Linking to:
- Inconsistency of discord automod (autist stronger blocked than the A word An… (red filter message vs only Dyno: @Glasia Watch your language))
- No AI call
- Apologize to MichelleZ and Xun for interrupting talk by speaking in Spanish
Apologize for pinging Leviathan when Tatsu pinged them
Apologize for accidental ping of FearYourDeath10.0 on Discord
- (Withdrawn) Glasia’s prematurely ban appeal (will be put in the ban appeal category if I really get banned in the next time)
- Glasia violating Community #4
- Map test in Zombies - Can charisma influence on how many will come?
- Glasia’s Phase removal appeal (08/15/21)
- Glasia’s Phase search permission regranting appeal (2022-06-03) (Make Phase search working again)
I am a human (not an AI) bc I do errors. Bc I do too much errors i am very human. But sometimes I feel like a burden to you