Map test in Zombies - Can charisma influence on how many will come?

How can it be that when I announce a map test almost no one comes (even weekends) but at the same time of the day when Legolas or Eerie announce a map test, suddendly 8 are free from work/school/uni/apprenticeship.

I want to say that I understand fully that you go to school/uni/work/apprenticeship or appointments like friends/birthdays/sports clubs/clubs/doctor/office/… .

Last friday

While waiting for testing, I got explained, that many schools started which I understood immediately. I waited until the weekend. I got really happy when Chad Meme came.

Last saturday

Last saturday I announced at 2022-01-15T08:49:00Z a map test (tried a different time (at the morning) to test of maybe others come). No one came. 20 h later, at 2022-01-16T04:26:00Z Legolas got successfully many people.

Last sunday

Three days ago, on last sunday, I announced at 2022-01-16T16:40:00Z a map test and was happy that Camelot came. Six hours later Legolas had again much success whereas I barely get people come to my test, so I asked, how they do that and what tricks they use.


The day before yesterday I announced at 2022-01-17T16:42:00Z a map test but no one came. After 15 minutes of waiting I left the lobby. Almost three hours later Legolas announced a map testing. Five persons came additionally to Legolas.


Yesterday I announced at 2022-01-18T19:38:00Z a map test. I tested with Rafaelgamerplay their map because they have done changes on their map even when Rafaelgamerplay did not announce the test.
At 2022-01-18T20:03:00Z I announced that the lobby is free but no one came. 15 minutes later Legolas announced a map test and 7 or 8 came.

Do I have negative charisma?
Do I have negative luck?
Do I have antisocial debuff in real life?
Did I minimod too much?
Did I spam too much?
Or is it that you think, I’d be an AI?

I have these thoughts because yesterday I and Legolas tried at similar time map tests but somehow when Legolas announced it suddendly 6 people got free from work at the same time which I doubt because of the probability.

Can Legolas do free-others-from-work magic?

Or do I the announcements wrong?

I want to say that it is chaotic at me because suddendly my parents want to go out with me or my school randomly cancelling lessons.
I try my best to:
not give up
not spam random letters or caps text
not spam ping


idk but a lot of these are pretty late at night (or not that late but since testing can take a while I might not want to) or really early in the morning in my time zone so I wouldn’t be able to come


Why do you think I am trying to get persons banned even when on New Year many entered the N word.

I try already not to (e.g. no “no xxyyzz” message except when someone spams random letters).

I try to be a nice demon on this server. Why “e-” demon?

But I am feared like the devil is feared. Tejdxa, how shall I progress my map if everyone is afraid of me?


Rate my charisma:

  • Very high
  • High
  • Above average
  • Average
  • Below average
  • Low
  • Very low

0 voters

My estimation: very low


I would say your charisma is average.

I mean, I haven’t felt the urge to ask the moderators to mute you yet, if that means anything.

As far as getting people banned goes, I see that as a good thing, because a lot of those people deserve a ban or warning.

Maybe my definition of charisma is incorrect. Very low charisma in my opinion means that you accidentally passively make people dislike you.



Wall of text

Well i have a lot of mixed feelings about this

I usually dont have any problem about the demon rp, i mean, that isn’t like uncomfortable, but yet is weird xd, but i rrally dont care much about it, like people with the amogus spam, really i dont see a problem about that
But mainly that is a minor problem, The mayor problem i see here are the reports

While yes, Racism reports, Seems normal, The problem comes to the minimod and impersonation reports (This one may be not much a problem after rofle changed slightly the rule)

I mean, Sometimes i litterally think for 3-5 minutes to write a message because you may see it as a chat violation, even that isn’t my intention that, even that im not a person of talking/chatting

About otter people seems anoying that they are usually chatting, and suddently comes the “No (Rule violation)”
And while yes, Your intention is to help (Or i like to think so…) sometimes feels too harsh, like, I feel unsafe

About the impersonation reports i think is one of the most that Triggers me and as well probably other people

Because, well the rule itself i think that whas mostly to protect other people from this server, so like if some other person joins as “Me” and starts being Racist/Saying Foul words without reason, i couod be mistaken as a terrible person , or a 7 Year old cringe kid or something

But the factor here is that “You took the rule litterally”
I mean, No one gets harmed if someone says “Im danny debito” while yes,is some sort of weird and maybe cringe, really is no harm to anyone

But seeing people banned for this, This is mostly what causes the problems,(or at least that is what annoys me), because well, That was something that was probably sarcastic , i usually use this a lot outside this comunity, so is more like a personal thing
(Tho i admit that is somewhat wrong to blame you ,istead of the rule)

And the last thing is probably that you sometimes seems like “You need to report someone” Like sometimes there are reports that seems “Rushed” Just to get someone banned, when they just didn’t make like something too bad, Like just saying 2 lines of chat that seems spammy

k, r

I usally try to don’t “Discriminate you” because at the end you are another person like me, And i completly understand you because , Im someone who generally has a lot of problems talking to other people, and dont know how to express my feelings, but still i cant say that im totally comfortable about this


Again, This is my opinion , so yeah, im somewhat uncomfortable, while i try to ignore some things, There are things that i can’t just ignore, like the minimod or the ban of some people that didn’t need it , But about other members, They have other opinions


For lol k,r i do not report. When soneone spams 30 random letters like guccrufcurcriccruydiefoxric it is another thing.

How can I improve for future?


i mean, i think you improved that alredy, But i still have kind of the feeling


Is that the maidofado/Madofado report you talk about?


Nope,its mostly to some old reports, thatbin some way, damaged the perspective i have about you

(Also may be better to move to a DMs xd)


I will not sing in Phase anymore. May I say “Hi” upon someone else says “hi”?


There was a wave of persons entering N word around New Year. So I reported the N word entries.

  • what? i am always half paranoid (jk f
    • ully paranoid) about getting banned fo
      • r writing bannable things for some reas

Legolas is just too cool


Happy 2nd anniversary, Legolas!