Zombies Abilities

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Abilities will have either or both of a passive and active part. A Passive part of an ability is something that happens automatically without manual input, whilst an active part of an ability is one that requires manual input to trigger. Almost all abilities give a 25% price increase for buying items in maps (ammo, weapons, armor, etc…), and the sentry ability has a price increase of 75% instead.

Using an ability

The active part of an ability requires the use of a combination of movement keys. The below sections assumes movement keys are bound to WASD. So S S would mean press the ‘S’ key twice in rapid succession. For combinations such as W S, you may hold down W and tap S (multiple times even).

Before it will work, you need to choose an ability via /ability <name>


If you have an ability idea that is different from the existing abilities, post it as a suggestion in the zombies suggestion category

Ingame Ability Help

There’s also an in-game ability guide, it can be viewed through the /abilityhelp or /ahelp command

Free Abilities

The following abilities can be used at any time.



Launches one homing rocket after the other while your character is slowed with debuffs. Is cancelled when you take damage.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the length of the barrage exponentially
  • Increases the length of the debuff linearly
  • Increases the damage of each rocket exponentially
  • Increasing the number of “streams” of rockets



This ability activates when you get hit below half your health. It will teleport you back to the spawn point of the map and clear nearby enemies.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the heal
  • Increasing the range at which enemies will be cleared

Dual Wield


Mode 1. Shoots in opposite directions.


Mode 2. Shoots in a v shape.


Mode 3. Shoots in a tight v shape.

Upgrade Effect



Each upgrade will add 1 guardian to deploy. Guardians stay close and use melee. You must have 1 upgrade before you can deploy any guardians.


Deploy a guardian

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the number of deployable guardians
  • Increases the guardian’s damage exponentially
  • Increases the guardian’s health exponentially



Heals users around you. The amount of healing is based on the upgrade level and health upgrade progress. Does not heal other Shamans and does not heal yourself. The healing also doesn’t stack with other heal abilities.


Takes life of allies around you, and your own hp too. This increases progress towards a health upgrade. Will not take life from yourself or allies who are too low on health.


Once progress towards health upgrade reaches the goal, this allows you to increase the max health of allies around you, as well as yourself. The amount per player increases for every player around you. Can only be used once per round. Progress resets after each round, regardless of whether you reached the goal or not.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the healing radius
  • Increases the size of health storage
  • Increases the max hp boost amount

Time Warp


Takes you back to where you were previously, including your hp.


Forces enemies to stay still for a period of time. Debuffs allies with slow but buffs yourself with Swiftness and Panic.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the length of the time stop
  • Increases the length of the debuffs on other players
  • Increases the length of the buffs on yourself



Places a sentry.


Upgrades the closest sentry.


Picks up the closest sentry.


Changes sentry type to place.



Minishark wielding sentry. Small damage, but rapid firing.


Sniper wielding sentry. High damage, but slow fire rate.


Unarmed Sentry. Debuffs enemies that get close with Confused and Ichor.


Grenade Sentry. Good knockback and area damage. Slow fire rate.


Unarmed Sentry. Stores score that it pays out when it dies. At the end of every round, the score in the bank gains interest which depends on the bank’s tier, and this interest works like compound interest. Score is gained by your nearby sentries hitting enemies, or from your other sentries being killed.


Melee sentry. Wields a really slow and low damaging platinum shortsword. High health and defense.


Unarmed sentry. Heals (your)nearby sentries when damaged.

Upgrade Effect

Upgrades are applied by using score on existing sentries via W W.

  • Increases damage
  • Increases range
  • (Bank) increases storage capacity
  • (Nade) increases knockback
  • (Emitter) increases debuff time

Unlockable Abilities

You must be at least a Trading Member (or Crew) to be able to unlock abilities. Not all unlockables are intended to be as easy to use or as powerful as each other, some are intended for people who prefer a bigger challenge.


Unlocked via

Getting Crew


Pushes enemies away.


Pulls enemies towards you.


Applies an upward velocity to your character. Can be used while in the air.


Dash left.


Dash right.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the force applied in each case

Self Repair

This ability is undergoing rebalancing and will change in the future

Unlocked via

Not yet unlockable, but it will be via getting to round 10, in 100 different solo matches. This is pending an update that adds such tracking.


Activate charging mode to charge up a burst of healing via damage.

Upgrade Effect

  • Decreases time spent in self repair
  • Increases rate of healing
  • Increases heal per tick


Unlocked via

Complete round 15 on Shadow’s Descent.


Wish is an RNG ability whose probabilities are altered based on your current situation. Most negative wishes can be negated. The wish can also be changed by RNG “No actually…” after it is made.



  • Requires: means that the chance is 0 if the requirements are not met
  • Dependent: means “Chance is increased based…”
    • e.g., dependent on health = Chance is increased based on health

Alive Wish

“I wish {name} was alive.”
Revives a random dead player.


Requires there to be dead players.
Dependent on how many players are dead (independent of total number of players)
[Weight: dead * 20]

Damage Wish

“I wish I dealt more damage.”
Grants a damage boost buff (Tier 1 Nebula Buff) for 15 seconds.


Independent of state
[Weight: 10]

Death Wish

“I wish to die.”
Kills your player


Independent of state
[Weight: 5]

Heal Boost Wish

“I wish to heal faster.”
Grants a tier 1 nebula healing buff for 15 seconds.


Dependent on how far away from your max health you are.
[Weight: 5 at max health. Otherwise, 100 * (1 - life/max)]

Health Wish

“I wish to have more health.”
Increases your maximum health by 50.


Increased when at current health is equal to maximum.
[Weight: 20 at max health. Otherwise, 10]

Heal Wish

“I wish to be healed.”
Heals your player for half of your max health.


Dependent on how far away from your max health you are.
[Weight: 5 at max health. Otherwise, 100 * (1- life/max)]

Kill Wish

“I wish {name} was dead.”
Deals 9999 damage to another player.


Requires at least one other person to be in the lobby. Dependent on whether you are the leader in total score gained. The target is simply a random player.
[Weight: When not leader, 10. Otherwise, 2]

No Armor Wish

“I wish to move or remove my armor.”
Wishes to remove your armor. Only removes armor in the armor slots, nowhere else.


Requires you to have something equipped in one of the armor slots.
[Weight: 2]

No Weapon Wish

“I wish to move or remove my {weapon}.”
Wishes to remove a weapon from a specific slot. Only removes any item in the slot of the item mentioned when the wish is made.


Requires a weapon to exist in your hotbar.
[Weight: 2]

Self Harm Wish

“I wish to endure pain.”
Does 1/4 of your max health as damage.


Dependent on being the leader.
[Weight: as leader, 20. Otherwise, 5]

Speed Wish

“I wish to move faster.”
Grants swiftness and panic buff for 15 seconds.


Independent of state.
[Weight: 10]

Suffer Wish

“I wish to endure suffering.”
Grants Slow, Chilled, Obstructed and Oozed debuffs for 15 seconds.


Independent of state.
[Weight: 10]

Upgrade Effect



This ability is undergoing rebalancing and will change in the future

Unlocked via

Only while wearing the full vampire vanity. The vampire vanity must be equipped on the Trading System. The complete set is currently only obtainable during events that give out vanity chests.


Heal through damage at the expense of suffering increasing debuffs

Upgrade Effect

  • Adds a new debuff
  • Increases lifesteal


This ability is undergoing rebalancing and will change in the future

Unlocked via

Get to round 12 without taking damage while using Coward.


Have a regen buff while close to enemies (requires line of sight). Regen buffs increase with the closer to enemies you are. When getting hurt, gain random debuffs.

Upgrade Effect

Applies only within 2 tiles of closest enemy:
Upgrade Level 1: Nebula Life Regeneration Buff Tier 2
Upgrade Level 2: Nebula Life Regeneration Buff Tier 3
Upgrade Level 3: Nebula Damage Buff Tier 1
Upgrade Level 4: Nebula Damage Buff Tier 2
Upgrade Level 5: Nebula Damage Buff Tier 3

Contractor (Unavailable)

Spawns the Contractor. He will give out contracts that you can accept for a buy-in amount. If you complete the contract, you will be payed the reward. Contracts spawn special mobs that you must kill within a time limit to complete the contract.

Supporter Abilities

This section lists abilities that are for supporters only.
Please Note: the below are descriptions of the current state of these abilities. These may change with testing.



Heals nearby allies that are not at full hp, increasing in heal rate while healing them. Each heal tick increases insanity, which will cause debuffs at certain stages and eventually will start damaging allies instead of healing them. Insanity drains when not healing anyone.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases healing power
  • Decreases time between healing ticks
  • Increases range

Astral Projection

Not yet available


Leave your body and ignore enemies to travel around the map, use chests and revive others. Your original body may still take damage and die. Using this again will return you to your body. Doing damage in this form will instantly kill you.


Send out a projection of yourself that will take the aggro of enemies. It can still take damage and die.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases health and length of projection
  • Increases length and agility of astral travel


Not yet available - currently in testing

Necromancer uses souls. Souls are gained via kills. The Necromancer wields an army of undead skeletons. Create Skeleton spawners to spawn waves of skeletons to destroy the horde, or create them out of thin air in a pinch when you desire. Some enemies killed by your undead will become undead flesh, fighting against the horde and multiplying your army.


Cost: 100 souls
Creates an undead spawner that starts with 50/100 souls. Every 10 seconds it will try to spawn an undead skeleton costing 10 souls. The spawner gains souls when any (ability user’s) undead kill enemies.


Cost: 50 souls
Spawns an Undead Mage that lasts 45 seconds. The mage does high damage rapidly but it shoots with large intervals in-between.


Cost: 30 souls
Spawns 3 Undead Skeletons over a period of 500ms that last 20 seconds.


Gives the nearest spawner all your souls up to its maximum.

Upgrade Effect

  • Increases the strength of all spawns

ok man, but it’s impossible then to use the abilities on android? I have this doubt, because I don’t have a pc/notebook to play the game on it


You have to use their respective key ,but in joystick
To understand this,you need to know what are the WASD keys,

These are the equivalent of
W - Up
S - Down
A - Left
D -Right

[ W ]

So if an ability ask you to do “W W”, Swipe quickly the joystick two times Up

If is “W S” Swipe the joystick first Up, and then Down
If is " S S" Swipe the joystick quickly two times down