This guide explains most, if not all ingame commands.
Registering can only be done once.
/register <password>
No email is required, just a password.
Your username is the name of your player character. -
/login <password
Use the same password that you used for/register
Serverwide Commands
A very simple and quick command only works with Journey mode characters.
Completely researches every item, excluding some items in the most modern versions.
Can be shortened to /i
Format: /i "item name" <amount> <modifier>
Example: /i "Possessed Hatchet" 1 unreal
Format: /loadout <load/save/saveprivate/replace> <name>
/loadout save <name>
Saves your character’s inventory and ties it to a name/loadout load <name>
Replaces your current inventory with the inventory saved in a loadout.
Example: “/loadout load Training Tangerine”/loadout saveprivate <name>
Functions the same as “/loadout save” except other players cannot load that loadout as it is private and only available to you.
In “/loadout list”, private loadouts are listed red instead of the usual yellow/loadout replace <name>
Replaces the saved inventory of a loadout that you own./loadout delete <name>
Deletes the loadout listed in the command permanently./loadout list
Lists every loadout you have saved.
/me <text>
, sends whatever message you typed into the chat except it proceeds your username in a washed orange-brownish color.
Fill up the missing blocks in your hand.
You can also do /more all
which refills every item in your inventory, extremely handy when building.
Shift the Member UI in the top-right corner of your screen a little bit more to the right.
The chat display is different for PvE and PvP, Build, and the command is nonexistent in Survival.
The command is much more thorough in Rift, Items, Gamemodes.
Can be shortened to /pos
, and it displays the block longitude and latitude in the world.
Most useful in Build when submitting Zombie Maps.
Sends you a link to Dark Gaming - Terraria Server Rules
Sets your health to any number between 100 - 500
Set your mana to any number between 20 - 200
teleports you to the server/bed spawn in a world, unless if you’re in a PvP active region, in which it will not work.
Only usable in PvP and when outside of a PvP active region.
Makes you invisible to other players but unable to harm them.
Unfortunately, you cannot see projectiles which sucks for watching PvP duels.
Only available to those who have unlocked Crew.
Allows you to teleport to the player of your choosing.
Teleports to the NPC of your choosing.
Teleports to a block longitude and latitude position.
Example: /tppos 3484 107
You can get your block position via /pos
or /position
, the same command, is just shortened.
If enabled, disables any player from teleporting to you.
If enabled, disables any player from whispering to you.
View the warps via /warp list
Example: /warp duel2
/warp list
Lists all available warps in your current dimension.
Sends a private message to the player of your choosing.
Can be shortened to /r
Replies to whoever sent you a whisper last.
Lists every player in the dimension you are in.
Toggles/disables your ability to use warpplates.
Gamemodes/Zombies Exclusives
Lists all abilities available to you. Use /ability (name)
to pick, e.g. /ability Time Warp
to pick Time Warp. You can only change your ability on the first round you join a lobby, after that, you cannot change it until a new match starts.
A guide for abilities can be found here: Zombies Abilities.
It goes into fantastic detail, although it’s pretty hard to read.
Only available in the Gamemodes lobby, it shows who is playing zombies and what lobby they are in.
Be aware of whether or not the lobby says Joinable: yes or Joinable: no
Invite a player to your Zombies lobby.
Example: /invite Camelot
The player invited will be prompted to join by executing the /join invite
Can be shortened to /j
/j z
, Joins a public lobby
/j z -p
, Available for Supporters only, joins or creates a private lobby.
/j z -c
, Available for Supporters only, joins or creates a custom lobby.
/j z -mb
Available for Map Builders only, joins or creates a map builders lobby.
/j z -r
, Joins or creates a Rapid Zombies lobby.
/j z -hc
, Joins or creates a Hardcore Zombies lobby.
/j duel
, Joins the rarely used Duel gamemode.
/join invite
Joins a lobby after a player in that lobby invites you via /invite <username>
Tells you your score.
Your score is: #
Can be shortened to /ts
This command transfers a chosen amount of your score to another player.
Example: /ts Camelot 154000
Exact case-sensitive matches take precedence, then exact case-insensitive matches, and finally prefix matches.
Transfer Macros
/ts <Player> all
transfers all of the player’s points to<Player>
./ts <Player> half
transfer half of the player’s points(rounded down) to<Player>
./ts <Player> 12%
of the player’s points(rounded down) to<Player>
./ts <Player> 24k
./ts <Player> 36m
A toggleable command, when enabled invests all of your score into the chest you next open.
Very useful for gaining HP quickly.
The way Zombies maps are chosen is by selecting a random player and choosing the map assigned to them.
Using /vote changes your character’s map vote to the map of your choosing.
Custom Lobby
In a custom lobby, you get access to options to change how you want to play, this can make the game easier. You won’t earn any gamemodes-specific XP/DP from a custom lobby.
Below is a list of customization options, not all of them work for every gamemode.
/map select <map name>
This changes the Arena/map for the Lobby.
/map edit <map name>
If you have permission, you can edit the chest contents and the physical map.
/map list <page>
Lists all available/playable maps in the Zombies Map Pool.
/map tp <map name>
Teleports you to the desired map.
/map help
Lists all of the commands above.
/start & /stop
This starts the gamemode. For example, in Zombies, this starts the spawning
timer and starts the match from Round 1.
Immediately ends the gamemode. The Battle was terminated
/skiptoround [#]
Immediately ships to the desired round #.
/kick <player>
This will kick a player from the Lobby.
This refreshes the menu in case there is an error.
/invite <player name>
Note that the player name only needs to include the first few characters that uniquely identify that person. For long names, this can save time! This will simply send an invite to the specified player, who will then do /join invite
Survival Exclusives
Shows which bosses have been defeated in the current running world.
Each boss/miniboss will be listed as either (Defeated) or (Undefeated).
Lists the number of enemy kills you have and how many kills are needed before Hardmode is removed.
Kill Count: #
Kills until Hardmode Reset: #
A housebuilding tool used to keep your items and builds safe from malicious people.
The majority commands only work if they are inside a house that you own or if the area isn’t already claimed.
/house define <name>
Creates a house after selecting 2 points in the world.
The two points are to be placed at opposite corners of your desired claim./house redefine <name>
Rename your house./house delete <name>
Deletes the chosen house./house allow (add/del) <name> <house>
Toggles the chosen player’s ability to edit/access the contents within your house./house tp <house>
Teleports to your chosen house./house clear
Clears the temporary house points when defining a house,/house list
Lists all of your houses./house resize <u/d/l/r> <amount>
Resize the house you are currently in by the amount chosen.
Often buggy.
All of the house commands require you to have logged into the trading system website at least once prior:
A long vertical list, /strength does not grant you more strength but instead lists how powerful a boss has been adjusted to fit the Survival playerbases never-ending craving for a challenge.
Use to summon the Empress of Light if you have a Prismatic Lacewing in your inventory.
Lists the world’s Difficulty, Evil Type, Dungeon Location, Height until space, Surface height, Cavern height, Hell height, and whether or not the world is in Hardmode.
Instantly reforges the item in your hand. The Goblin Tinkerer UI is nonfunctional, use this to reforge items instead. Does nothing if the Goblin Tinkerer is not alive.
Tells you how much the item you’re currently holding would cost to reforge.
Teleports you to the given town NPC. Does nothing if the NPC is not alive.
DTP Exclusives (cmds)
/up, /down, /left, /right
Teleports you as far in that direction as it possibly can before hitting a wall.
Very fun to use.
Repeat the last command you used.
/= is available by default in a couple of dimensions, equipping the cmd grants you the ability to use it in all dimensions.
/buff <buff name/id> <duration>
Grants you the chosen buff for the chosen time.
Do not buff yourself with buffs that you cannot obtain through potions.
The better /buff
Permanently buffs you with the chosen buff until you disable it.
Does not apply in Zombies.
Do not buff yourself with buffs that you cannot obtain through potions.
/heal <username> <amount>
Heals the chosen player for the chosen amount.
In PVP, only use it on yourself. After use, you may not enter PvP until after 30 seconds. This is strict. If you do not want to have to count, do not use the command with any intentions to PvP.
This cmd triggers a rainy day.
This cmd triggers a windy day.
Spawns bosses of the player’s choosing.
Cannot be used in Zombies or Survival.