
So about Vampirism

It’s a great ability, but…

round 1 debuff: bleeding


It’s fine, it’s is pretty balanced since you have low damage weapons and low health so 1 health heal is fine.

Round 4 debuff: poisoned


Is fine in most cases, but you are starting to feel the effects of vampirism and lack of healing on harder maps, if you don’t upgrade health then you have only 50 seconds to live since it does -2 health per second.

Round 7 debuff: On Fire!


Already can be felt on most maps and you have a choice between sitting in a water pool or burning for -4 health per second on top of -2 from poison.
Another issue with it is that due to people expecting you to have around 150-200k score on round 8 usually it means that you get punished heavily by falling behind others and loosing score from burning,
doing nothing you die in 16.(6)7 seconds if you have only 100 health, usually you take 6 damage per second but on most maps you heal around 7-12 per hit, on some maps that’s enough to offset the difference, on others no.

Round 10 debuff: Acid Venom


This is the debuff that differs the very few maps that offer you high damage cheap weapons from ones that don’t also cheap health since now the dmage per second is up to -36 per second meaning you are dead in a matter of 2.(7), aka rounding up ~3 seconds,
and almost all maps can’t offset that damage per second to you, since the healing from your weapons is only a bit higher then round 7 one, you are simply lacking score to get good enough weapons and once you die once you’ve lost since usually that’s enough to make you loose any chance to get next weapon at that point

Round 13 debuff: Frostburn


Is a joke if you can survive -36 health per second, yes -44 health per second is increase, but it’s not exactly game changing difference

Summary of issues:

  1. The higher you go the harder it’s to survive and keep your score to get next weapon, if you die once you’ve most likely lost the game (starting from round 7) due to not being able to keep up with debuffs with damage
  2. Venom debuff change from -6 to -30 health per second devastated vamprism and player ability to survive.
  3. Vampire currently is the only ability that highly benefits from missing out on one levelup since you miss out on debuffs

My suggestions about how it could be fixed/improved(yes partially"inspired stolen" from what was planned(maybe))


1)I’d suggest starving instead of [Venom]Acid Venom - Terraria Wiki) on round 10 so that it’s a hard debuff to deal with but it’s not unfair, and which would also scale with health, alternatively you could use Frostburn for round 10 and Cursed Inferno for round 13 debuffs which would mean you take -14 health per second on round 10 which is more managable on most maps and -26 health per second on round 13, as well as 10% more knockback. If you feel that venom is better on round 13 with -44 health total, aka same as now it’s your choice, since since by then it’s usually endgame
2) Make Vampirism prices -25% and not +25% so that you actually can keep up with progression of maps instead of dying from debuffs or just barely keeping afloat


yap :D

Since i don’t have exact values for each level of vampirism i couldn’t put them in the document, i can test around later and see what they are but it may take a while so it’ll probbly in an update to this post sooner or later

smh forgot to add link to original vampirism explination


Valiant >>>>>> vampirism


Vampirism >>>>>> Wish ability = Trash :poop:


Wasn’t you a wish famboy?


I NEVER WAS, I’m the opposite, I hate wish ability, DG’s worst ability, not even coward in hardcore is worse than this ability


Sounds legit.


I never knew the vampirism is obtainable. I thought it was limited event ability only in Halloween Zombies 2020-2022. (I couldn’t remember the original year though)


yeah, yet another reason why i linked the abilities guide under vampirism
but yeah since the events are so rare now, guess so are the event boxes which means that so is vampire set.


Based on current priority, I suspect that vampirism won’t be changed for a while, but also that when it comes around again, we will continue from where we left off testing last time.

If you see what is in progress here from me: Development Timetable

Those two things are fairly big tasks and if Terraria updates before they are finished, it might also increase the delay further. I imagine at least one of the supporter abilities will be prioritised over this one first.


While unfortunate to hear, it’s understandable.
Thank you very much for response and looking forwards to when there will be enough free time for ability fixing.