Ways To Improve in PvP?

lepus is beefier king slime so its just easy for the reasons king slime is easy except if you die, there goes your Sanity!

also it drops souls of might for like absolutely no reaosn


OK. I will strike in PVP again and build another zombies map.

I am over 13 and have no problems with that if they do not spam.

This I got said at Map test in Zombies - Can charisma influence on how many will come?
I roleplay often at Discord and sometimes on Phase as a demon.

How can it be that sometimes when I say a normal “Hi” in chat then it causes wreak havoc in chat?

Nate forbad answers like that

Nate forbad answers like that


This is why a lot of people have a hard time wanting to talk with you.

Because of the above, people won’t just pretend they didn’t see you say something super weird just because you’re now pretending it didn’t happen.

Nate said “just git gud isn’t an answer” and “telling me to start using a PC doesn’t help me either”
I didn’t just state git gud and use a PC, I explained why the advantages are the way they are.


How and why did this get so big


Because everyone is free to voice out their own opinions on how to improve in PVP best. Though I mostly criticized…


I’m officially gonna start calling these long posts Blanc Replies. So yea, here’s a Blanc.

i could probably beat him now, ive improved significantly in vanilla since 1.2. I always tried to fight him pre-eow. Let’s just get that straight rn. Mr Bunny isnt hard by any definition if you fight him at the right stage of the game,

This is Blanc stating facts. People say be unique, and Blanc just topped every single one of them. I’ll definitely keep this in mind.

That nickname just stung when said by a mod xD but yeah, i get that. Roleplay was completely normal in all my other circles of friends, guess I got used to it. Gonna add that to my list of ‘unforseen social blunders’.

why have I only heard about this now? Yeah I’ll give that a try
why Training Tanderine, why not Training Tyranosaurus or smth?

what most people consider to be rude is just honesty. I’m not the kind of person who cloaks my words in honey or stuff, people just need to be honest and open. There’s no harm in these sorts of comments, feel free to judge or criticize anything I do. I’m ok with it. My feelings aren’t easily hurt.

Exactly. Some of us don’t have the time, money, or circumstances that would allow us to play on anything else.

See previous address to fake.ex’s previous comment.

Mech just summarized this in one single mediumsized post, does he get like a badge or something?
I can’t read emotions, I can’t understand emotions, so therefore my own emotions are a mystery. When you post something about me, do not worry about hurting my feelings.

Entire second half can be summarized in one acronym!

you could be a good lawyer, just defend ur client, then list the stuff that’s false xD
also love how the antidefense half is larger than the defense side lmao, that’s very telling

Blanc must practice this daily, or maybe this is another canned reply xD
but anyway, this advice will be heeded, it does not fall on deaf ears

Take that and replace lead with copper, give me a minishark, and you’ve got the picture xD

indeed, ive seen the wiki for this, never actually got any…


me in a nutshell, congrats on skemor for pointing out the unspoken question

Yeah same, but there’s a difference between what you think is best and what’s actually best. Blanc has the idea here.
Summary If It Wasn’t Clear:
I will quit summoner. Combined with self-obtained better results from multi-class, overwhelming numbers of people telling me to quit, and Blanc’s multiple statements on it and it’s ineffectiveness, I have decided to stop.
Additionally, RP from my end will cease. This includes mentions of the Nightmare King, though they are barely rooted in Hollow Knight in the first place- it actually comes from a game me and my friends played a few years ago, Hall of The Nightmare King, which is basically Sharks and Minnoes, but more roleplay-y. When one of my friends (named Andrei) who was previously the ‘Nightmare King’ died in a drunken car accident, the role fell to me, and I’ve been it ever since. The title is more than a bit personal to me. Hope that cleare up some misconceptions. My lack of social skills have caused enough problens previously, I don’t want this to be another place where everybody hates me.
I will try out the Training Tanderine. Good to know that kind of thing exists.
Finally, I will cease talking about my ‘experience.’ Pretty sure most here have played for longer than I have, so bragging about it does nothing but irritate people and make them like me less. Which is something I don’t want.

so yeah, hope this Blanc helps clear up a few things and stuff. I’m still keeping the Nightmare King as my title ingame, though. Not gonna wipe away a few precious memories because people don’t appreciate my tastes.


Bruh, u take breaks and this stuff happens smh. Why do I even bother lmfao.


lmfao ikr, i come back and i have 17 comments


I am also mobile without a keyboard and mouse and I still have fewer skill issues than Nate


Did you play the game on its mobile release day? :3

I did and I still play its release version on a very old phone that I never updated.


This is so true and nobody is going to change my mind.


I started literally three months after release date xD, I started on Christmas in 2013


i can still beat you non-summoner decently easily, even when ur not going true melee
you may have fewer skill issues, but they dont save you


Typically I don’t want to fight that’s why you win if I truely wanted to fight you would be dead where you stand


sounds like an empty boast to me


Like I said before try doing a 1v1 against me on Ace Combat 7 and I guarantee you will go down in a fiery ball of death in less than 2 seconds


That is if you can ever afford a PC, Xbox One, or PS4/5


I’m looking into getting Terraria for PC honestly but rn I currently don’t have a Steam account


this is the closest thing to a twitter arguement that ive ever seen come from dg


i dont play that xD

you are mobile, dont go to the ‘honestly better but real cheap pc’ side