Mini compilation of topics on this forum

Grammar Moment created on Jan 23 2022 starts with a discussion about English grammar which turns into an RP which turns into an explanation session of DTP.

Comment Frenzy created on Mar 06 2021 by Solysis has a wide variety of comments. A mod would need 18 days to like all posts.

Unban me please... - #17 by MeHohin created on Oct 09 2016 by Quick_Silver is the most necroposted thread of all time. There one asked how to unban without a mod.

Glasia violating Community #4 created on Sep 18 by Kishou reported me for minimodding and is the most liked topic of all time (23 likes as of Jan 25 2022). There I got reported for minimodding, a rare rule break and almost got banned.

Glasia's Phase removal appeal (08/15/21), Madofado's Phase Appeal 2 and Grim Wind's Phase Removal Appeal were created by Madofado, me and Grim Wind because of a Phase ban wave about an unwritten rule.


watch this become the new

PAY [[{{99:99:99$$}}for therestofthepost.....

comment frenzy

cool post would like to meet the man/woman/other behind this magnificent amazing awesom spectaluer col mazing awesomee spectarflular post is very amazing 10000/.000000001

The BEST {part]} is that DURTLE had to close the post itself becaulse people kept


i h[64 rooted] this post becuase it pruv that peope can like post but htey dont like why would a [[HUMAN soul] do such a {crininia] act]]?

how to be heod held accountable for an unri10 rule?

i h[64 rooted] this post becuase it pruv that peope can like post but htey dont like why would a [[HUMAN soul] do such a {crininia] act]]?


i feel like grammar discussion is a summary of dark gaming in a nutshell