Helper Applications

This clause is vague, but I infer that it refers to “active and experienced players.”

Sertastic's Helper Application

A single response to application this was made more than a month after it was posted.

TheLorde123321 Helper Application

There is only one response to this application.

Leeyoh's Helper Application

Although this application does have 3 responses from 3 seperate users, none of those responders were “experienced” and only stayed on the forum briefly.

When 1.4 was released, the forum was active and there was a sudden flood of Helper Applications. (The last time something like this happened was in 2017.) Over 10 new Helper Applications were made in the few months before and after 1.4 was released, but only 1 was accepted - Crane’s application.

The frenzy began dying down by mid-summer and the forum was becoming less and less active. Between this period and now, the only application that received significant attention was Galrob’s application.