TheLorde123321 Helper Application

Q1. What is your in-game name?

Q2. How often are you on the server? (Include timezones and exact times only; no generalizations)
I live in the PST time zone
Weekends(Friday-Sunday): 12:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Weekdays(Monday-Thursday): 4:30 pm - 10:00 pm
I will not be able to play during times when I have finals as I have to spend time studying for them. My finals are usually right before Thanksgiving, in June, and mid-march

Q3. Why do you want to be a Helper?
I have been part of this community for about 1 1/2 years now. I took a 5month break a little while back and came back around July/August of this year. I have reported many hackers and have helped many people during my time here, and believe I can be a great asset to the dark gaming staff team

Q4. Will you prioritize helping others and answering questions over other things?
If anyone needs help, I will answer their questions if it is in my knowledge base

Q5. Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to answer any questions that are put to you?
I believe I can answer almost any question when it comes to survival. I have been a survival player for a long time and have extensive knowledge of how it works. I know how t-inv works including how to look at players’ inventories even if they are offline.
I also have played a lot of zombies during my time here. I know most of how things work, such as all abilities, how to unlock them, and how they work. I know almost all of the zombie’s maps and which ones have secret classes, such as the melee class of Cosmic Collapse and the unfinished sorcerer’s class of Winter’s Scream. I know using an ability gives you a 25% increase in spending points buying upgrades.
I know all commands on the server and how to use them
I’ve done my fair share of PVP on this server. I may not know the exact damage stats of weapons, but I have a general knowledge of what weapon is good or bad, etc.
Edit: I also have extensive knowledge of how mobile works on dark-gaming. I know how to use abilities on mobile and the differences between mobile and pc and how they affect gameplay.

Q6. Tell us about yourself?
Hi, I’m TheLorde. If you need any help or questions answered, I will try to the best of my ability to answer them. I am pretty active on the discord and have made many connections with people there. I am also active on the forums and help in any way I can. I have a background in coding Java. It may not be the language the server is coded on, but I will commit to learning what language it is. I believe I can be a great asset to the community and hope you will accept my application. I look forward to hearing feedback!


TheLorde is S tier mobile pvper. He’s kind to everyone and knows his survival and zombies stuff, helps newbies, and is someone who always has your back in zombies. I don’t think I’ve been here long enough to grant any official support, but he gets my +1 so hopefully the app can gain some traction.