Stuck shifting dimensions

Ok so basically on my main account (Basilica) can’t join any dimensions. Going on any warp plate would leave me stuck at rift “shifting” dimensions. There isn’t even any message saying I am not allowed to access the dimension. I just says I am shifting but nothing happens. I’ve even tried waiting for about 30 or so minutes to see if something, ANYTHING, would happen, but nothing ever did. I should also note that i can join items dimension just fine, every other plate doesn’t work. As well as that, dtp doesn’t work for me, i tried to switch colors to see if maybe that might be connected but i am still stuck at white color.

Send help

Update: my account seems to either have a new password or has been straight up deleted. I can’t access dtp nor login ingame anymore. Whereas before i was technically logged on and joining dimensions other than items put me into stasis stuck between dimensions, and dtp did in fact let me login but no updates showed up ingame, now i can freely join dimensions except i am no longer considered logged on and dtp doesn’t accept my password.

What in gods name happened
Save me

Update 2 electric boogaloo: recovered my account but still cant join dimensions lmao


Guest alts have no problems joining other dimensions too, so surely it may be a problem with the account itself.


Something similar occured to me back in September. I can’t join PVP and Build Dimensions for some reason. Once you stand on a platform, it just says that “Shifting to X Dimension”, and if you type in a command to warp to a Dimension it says “You need to wait until you have fully connected to your current Dimension” in green text. I had internet issues that day.

This is the link to the similar thing that happened to me in September 2021. PvP and Build Dimension currently unjoinable

Also Bas, I heard on Discord that you were also the same as me, we both got hit by a Typhoon so I’m assuming that our internet is a little bit wonkier than usual. Your internet might be the issue.

Additionally, if your internet isn’t the issue then you can check on this post instead. Reasons why you can’t access any Dimensions. "Access Denied" aka Unable to access any dimensions

You might be able to access Dimensions by now but if you still aren’t, I hope this helps.


My net is actually surprisingly strong rn, 60ish mb download speed and 40ish mb upload speed. Im kinda thinking its a problem with my account itself because my guest alts can go wherever the hell they want and switching colors and titles in dtp doesn’t chang anything ingame


It also happens to me few months ago because my acc was so broken on that time. I rename trying to fix my in-game acc but the result is it goes back to guest with white color, whenever i go to any dimensions it’s forever stuck even my wifi strong, but i can go to Items and Gamemodes.

Hmm seems familiar to me.
Maybe you change name??


Nah its always just been basilica. Logging on in dtp and switching around colors doesn’t do anything im still stuck at my impostor (Guest) title and white color. Im still technically logged in tho


Hmm yeah that’s it i remember now, i experienced it where the color,tags and titles is not changing, but don’t worry they will fix it.


I had this for almost a year straight is is called a trailing space I believe, however iirc only people with a specific character at the end of their name.


For some actual context:
Trailing space is all whitespace located at the end of a line, without any other characters following it . This includes spaces (what you called a blank) as well as tabs \t , carriage returns \r , etc. There are 25 unicode characters that are considered whitespace, which are listed on Wikipedia.


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