PvP and Build Dimension currently unjoinable

Its currently 8:00 pm. I only realized this happened 30 minutes ago. Live in PH. Currently I cant join PvP. Further testing I also cannot join Build dimension.

So whats happening is, once I stand on the platform(PvP) to join, nothing happens. I can move but once I attempt to join a different dimension thru command it says that I must wait to fully connect to the Dimension I first went into before switching to another.

The other dimensions are fine except PVP and Build Dimensions.

I assumed this only are my own issues but I read the chat, and I see no players commenting from PvP Dimension nor the Build. Only Survival and ZombieMode players.

Send help


I dont know if this only happens to me…But here is whats happening on my side


Same thing happens
Pvp and build is dead rn


Ok so I read Rofle’s new post

And so I checked the Pvp and Build Dimensions…And I can enter PvP Dimension again!! But idk why I cant enter Build yet…

This probably means that Rofle is the “Solution”


Usually if that happens something like “Access is blocked” will appear, i’ll check to see if PvP is down or smth


The “Access is Blocked” never once appeared when it happened…Just nothing happens. The worst is that, you cannot rejoin other dimensions and the only solution is to leave the server and return.

Survival and Gamemode Dimension works though…But i think right now PVP is back in business.

You can see what actually appears in the in-game chat in my screenshot above


I think this usually is what happens when it crashes? either that or it sends no message at all and just crashes my Terraria


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