Sentries Stats

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To @someguy for asking me about this
and @popstarfreas for allowing me to share this

Default Values

T will represent the tier of the sentry.

Max HP 100
Damage Usually applied to weapon 0
Knockback Usually applied to weapon 0
Upgrade Cost 200T^3 + 1000
Repair Amount HP healed when within Repair Range \max(15, \frac{\text{Max HP}}{16})
Repair Range Maximum distance from sentry to heal it \text{ 3 Blocks}

Minigun Sentry

Loadout Minigun Sentry
Max HP 10(T - 1)^2 + 100
Damage \max(5, \ T^2 - 3)
Knockback \max(0, \ T - 4)
Trigger(Weapon) Distance \text{25 Blocks}
Bullet \text{Bullet Type}=\begin{cases} \text{Musket Ball} & \text{if} \ T < 3\\ \text{Meteor bullet} & \text{if} \ T<8 \\\text{Crystal Bullet} & \text{if} \ T < 11\\ \text{Exploding Bullet} & \text{if} \ T>=11\end{cases}

Sniper Sentry

Loadout Snipe Sentry
Damage \text{Damage}=\begin{cases} T^2 + 25 & \text{if} \ T \le 10\\ 8T + 100 & \text{if} \ T> 10 \end{cases}
Trigger(Weapon) Distance \text{100 Blocks}
Bullet \text{Bullet Type}=\begin{cases} \text{High Velocity Bullet} & \text{if} \ T \le 10\\ \text{Luminite Bullet} & \text{if} \ T> 10 \end{cases}
Frequency \left(\frac{60}{\max(6, \ 80 - 5T)}\right)\text{bullets per second}

Emitter Sentry

Loadout Emitter Sentry
Trigger(Buff) Distance (T+8) \ \text{Blocks}
Buff Distance (T+20) \ \text{Blocks}
Buff Cooldown 5T \ \text{Seconds}

Trigger Distance vs Buff Distance

First the Emitter tries to look for a mob within its trigger distance. If it finds one, it activates and debuffs that mob. Only when it’s activated do all mobs in the bigger buff distance also receive debuffs

Advanced Buffing

All mobs have a number attached to them that says “Hey! Check me out first”. This number goes from 1 to 400(max mobs)

Assume we have 2 mobs(N_1, N_2), and the number on N_1 is 1, while it’s 2 for N_2. N_1 is in the Emitter’s buff distance but not trigger distance, while N_2 is in the trigger distance. Because N_2 has the number 2, it means N_1 will be checked first. But the Emitter is neither activated nor activatable because N_1 is not in its trigger distance. So it ignores N_1. Then it sees N_2 which is in its trigger distance, so it debuffs it. We’re now left with a clean N_1 and a debuffed N_2

Nade Sentry

Loadout Nade Sentry
Damage 8T
Knockback 2T+ 15
Trigger(Weapon) Distance \text{20 Blocks}
Frequency \left(\frac{60}{\max(20,\ 250 - 5T^2)}\right)\text{nades per second}


Tier Weapon Projectile Ammo
1 Grenade Launcher Rocket III
2-3 Grenade Launcher I Cluster Rocket I
4-5 Proximity Mine Launcher Rocket I
6-7 Proximity Mine Launcher I Mini Nuke I
8-9 Snowman Cannon Cluster Rocket I
10+ Snowman Cannon I Mini Nuke I

Bank Sentry

Loadout Bank Sentry
Max HP 100 + 50 *\text{Round #}
Bank $ Distance (T+14) \ \text{Blocks}
Interest Rate \text{30%}
Score Deposited \operatorname{round}\left(\max\left(1000,\frac{9}{100}x\right)\right)


Instead of upgrading, score is deposited into the bank through the formula above.

Applications of banking

At the end of each round, 30% of the score stored in the bank is given to the player, while it retains its value. For example, a bank with 9,000 score gives the player 2,700 but still holds 9,000. In other words, score is gained by depositing into a bank, at the cost of delayed equipment and the 1.75x pricing from the sentry ability. Once the bank dies, all the score is returned to the player.

Score Stealing

Score Stolen vs Score Gained
Score Stolen is how much s decreases, while Score Gained is how much the bank gains.

What is ceil(x)?
It’s a function that rounds up if x has a decimal value. ceil(4) = 4 while ceil(4.0001) = 5 and ceil(4.6) = 5.

Assume s is the points gained from hitting a mob. Score stolen is then ceil(\frac{s}{4}). However, score gained is ceil(\frac{s}{4}) \cdot 2. If there’s a decimal value, it’s always rounded up. s is then passed to the next bank. This means that s decreases as it goes from one bank to another.

For example: s is 360. Bank 1 will steal \frac{1}{4} of that(90, but gain 180), leaving 270. Bank 2 will steal \frac{1}{4} of that(68, but gain 136), leaving 202, and so on.

Repair Sentry

Loadout Repair Sentry
Health 300T+ 500
Repair Range \text{0 (Unrepairable)}
Repair Others Amount Maximum HP it can heal(a sentry) in one repair 50T \space \text{HP}
Repair Others Distance Maximum distance from sentry to heal it (T+15) \ \text {Blocks}
Repair Cooldown \text{1 Second}

Repair Mechanics

If the Repair’s HP falls below 100, it waits until 25% of its max health till it repairs again.

It first finds all bots within range. If the bot is either a Repair or Tank, it skips it. Otherwise it heals it. The maximum HP it can heal a sentry is Repair Others Amount. If it heals less than 6HP, it is considered as healing 10HP.

It then calculates how much it healed, and takes damage.

Tank Sentry

Loadout Tank Sentry
Health 100(T - 1)^2 + 100
Damage 2T
Trigger(Weapon) Distance \text{5 blocks}
Frequency \approx2\ \text{attacks per second} \ (\text{1 attack per} \ \frac{27}{60} \ \text{or 0.45 Seconds})


Desmos Demonstration


I’m probably just dumb, but how do I run the desmos graph?


just copy code


What do you mean by this, which code? I only see some equations, I don’t know how to run the graph itself.


Start editing and copy code


I don’t have a Desmos account, so I don’t think I can even edit it. Even if I copied the code, where would I put it? I don’t know what you’re talking about.


All you need to change is in the Constants folder. The other folders(except Functions) contains pre-written formulas that tell you the stat of a sentry


I can play the Health and Tier stats, but it doesn’t do anything in the graph.


Oh yeah the graph doesn’t have anything to do with the formulas lol
I just used a graph since desmos doesn’t have an embeddable scientific calculator

just tweak the HP and stats then scroll down and open the folders


Start editing this wiki and get code, what’s hard


Why not just put some tables and/or use a normal graph?


well, I haven’t really thought of that. However, I did turn them into tables now

On that note, I noticed I could put tables in tables. If this is better I could add it to the wiki

Loadout Nade Sentry
Damage Tier \cdot 8
Knockback Tier \cdot 2 + 15
Trigger(Weapon) Distance 20 blocks
Frequency \frac{60}{\max(20,\ 250 - Tier^2 \cdot 5)} nades per second
1Rocket III Grenade Launcher, Rocket III
2-3Cluster Rocket I Grenade Launcher, Cluster Rocket I
4-5Rocket I Proximity Mine Launcher, Rocket I
6-7Mini Nuke I Proximity Mine Launcher, Mini Nuke I
8-9Cluster Rocket I Snowman Cannon, Cluster Rocket I
10+Mini Nuke I Snowman Cannon, Mini Nuke I

i dont think you get what he was asking, though mado’s problem is already solved


I’m not sure if I fully understand the Bank Sentry section concerning Score Stealing, here’s my understanding of how it works:

If score gained is S_g and score “stolen” is S_s while \text{ceil(x)} is the function that rounds up x, then
S_g = 2 \times \text{ceil(x)}
S_s = \text{ceil(x)}
I am under the assumption that x = \frac{s}{4} based on what you wrote.
s_0 is the raw amount of score gained from damaging mobs.

Let’s say \text{Bank} denotes Bank Sentries.
\text{Bank}_0 receives S_{g0} points which is calculated based on s=s_0. \text{Bank}_1 receives S_{g1} points which is calculated based on s=s_0-S_{s0}. The process continues with \text{Bank}_2. . . so on so forth. . .


The amount of HP the Repair Sentry heals in a single repair is based on \text{Tier} \times 50.

  • Isn’t 50 the minimum amount of HP it can heal?
  • In what case will it heal less than 5 HP?
  • Why is the limit 5 HP?

What does this mean?


Im not sure but it probably means how far away a sentry can be before it stops contributing money to the bank. So at T6 with 20 blocks of $distance, a minigun thats 19 blocks away from the bank will give the bank money towards its balance but at 21 blocks it wouldnt.


Sounds like a plausible explanation.


Yeah, this is correct

Correction on that part, on the new edit I added “(a sentry)”. It can heal a sentry at most Tier \cdot 50HP, it then moves on to the next sentry and also tries to heal Tier \cdot 50HP

The most it can heal is Tier \cdot 50 HP(H_c). But the actual amount it heals(H_s) is what counts, if H_s is less than or equal to 5, it becomes 10 hp healed

That, I do not know

Whenever you place a bank there’s a yellow $ sign, that’s the distance I meant


I’m still a little confused on how Repair Sentries work, what determines H_s?