nothing, sorry if it seemed like I was angry or mad at you.
I know that that is a huge joke but newcomers may think of the name Glasia similar like of the name Voldemort.
glasia syndrome hasnt killed me yet, thats like saying Autism kills thousands of people worldwide because some people dont like it
Glasia Syndrome != Autism
Nate proceeds to commit Autism
!= means not equal
That’s what ≠ means.
I have no clue what != means
the wall of text awakens…
Would that really be such a bad thing? You could be called Al instead.
like in Wall of text in Phase by bubulprock?
Call me “Glasia”.
Harmfulcrane almost kicked me for calling them HC.
call me rick astley
Was that your alt recently?
I will call you Glasia, but I will spread rumors about you to new people.
Which ones?
That I’d be an AI?
I think the rumors would be that saying your name invokes your wrath.
Although, I’m not certain what your wrath would be like. Can’t be too bad…