I heard multiple people saying “Glasia syndrome”. What do you mean with it and what is the intention?
They intend for it to be an insult to players whom they deem report too often. I wouldn’t pay any mind to it, there is nothing wrong with us holding players accountable for their words and actions.
There also is cursating the word “Nate syndrome”
Well I haven’t heard that one but I’d assume it has similar meaning.
Syndrome is defined as “A group of symptoms which consistently occur together, or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms.” (Oxford Languages).
So, I believe that it has to do with how you act. You report a lot, and I know the most liked post is about how you used to report way too much, and so it’s about reporting.
Edit: I know, I’m a bit late.
Ok, I did the math. Glasia, you have made 27.42% of all player reports. I think it is obvious why you are associated with reporting people.
I thought like 90%))
He has made 374 out of the 1364 total reports so far.
347 reports.
lmfao, my syndrome is just from being awkward, not even from the number of reports im pumping out
Low key though if these few people weren’t consistently and reliably creating reports a lot of unacceptable behavior would go unnoticed, and would actually reinforce it. People naturally like to test set boundaries, it’s just how it is.
Ye, I’m fine with the reports, for me “glasia syndrome” is being not funny.
same, reporting is very encouraged
Can we just take a second to appreciate that Glasia, for better or for worse, took time out of his day to gather proof 374 times of individual people cheating. That’s dedication, if I’ve ever seen it. If we assume that it takes 5 minutes to file a report, that is 31.17 hours of reporting players total.
Edit: Also, only 32.88% of those reports were actually resolved.
mostly chat, because Phase is like Glasia’s palace…
I go there often because school lessons get cancelled/ I have a strange schedule. On Mondays I have school from 8 AM - 10:20 AM (the teacher always ends lesson at 9:40 - 10 AM) then from 11:55 AM - 12:55 PM and then 3 PM - 4 PM. To walk the distance from school to home I need 20 mins.
yeah, i only use phase in school, my reports have been balanced between godmoders and chatters so far, but i feel like more and more godmoders are showing up
Actually, I decided to see the number of reports that were his since he joined, and it’s 75.4% of reports since he joined are by him.
More godmoders have appeared on other servers.I have also seen chat spam bots with ban evaders that spam links too a website that apparently gives you godmode and a ban evader but idk if the site is just a virus or what.(again on other servers)
No more than 3