Lihzahrd Dungeon

Lihzahrd Dungeon

#1 Location of Map

8306 1152

#2 Builders

TheTrueVoidMan4. Just me

#3 Unverified Rating


#4 Ownership


I permit someone else to take over ownership of my map for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.


I permit unauthorised edits by administrators/managers.


I permit administrators/managers to take over my map if I become inactive or unavailable.

#5 Breakdown

Table of contents

The player should spawn at 8290 1207
Summoner class is The Necromancer Lihzahrd (its chest is on 8320 1185)
Mage class is The Sorcerer Lihzahrd(its chest is on 8327 1202)
Melee class is the Warrior(its chest is on 8329 1202)
Ranged class is the Lizahrd ranger(its chest is on 8331 1202)
Weapon chest 1 8298 1207:
Weapon chest 2 8327 1173
Zombie spawns are on 8281 1158 , 8327 1158 , 8286 1179 And 8282 1195

Weapon Tier # Weapon # Price # Modifier
1 Ebonwood bow - No modifier
Two Platinum bow 1200 No modifier
Three Tendon bow 4000 No modifier
Four Tendon bow 9000 /sitem -i “Tendon bow” -d 30
Five Molten fury 16000 /sitem -i “Molten Fury” -d 40
Six Marrow 18000 /sitem -i " Marrow " -d 50
Seven Ice bow 40000 /sitem -i " Ice bow" -d 60
Eight Hallowed Repeater 70000 /sitem -i " Hallowed Repeater " -d 75
Nine Hallowed Repeater 90000 /sitem -i “Hallowed repeater” -d 90
Ten Chlorophyte Shotbow 120000 /sitem -i "Chlorophyte shotbow -d 75 -ut 25 -ua 25
Eleven Tsunami 250000 /sitem -i “Tsunami” -d 70 -ut 20 -ua 20
Twelve Tsunami 475000 /sitem -i “phantasm” -d 100 -ua 30 -ut 30
Thirteen Phantasm 750000 /sitem -i “phantasm” -d 50 -ua 25 -ut 25
Last Phantasm 1.000.000 -

Mana chest is on 8319 1152
Health chest is on 8301 1152

Attribute How many for Price
Mana 20 5000
Health 100 25000
Ammo chest is on 8296 1179
Ammo item How many Price
— — ----
Unholy arrows 70 3000
High velocity bullets 70 3000
Weapon chest 1 ( Mage )
Weapon tier Weapon Price
— — —
Starter weapon Wand of sparking -
Two Thunder zapper 2000
Three Thunder zapper 4000
Four Water bolt 6000
Five Flamelash 20000
Six Sky fracture 30000
Seven Rainbow staff 40000
Eight Crystal Storm 50000
Nine Razorblade typhoon 80000
Ten Razorblade typhoon 140000
Eleven Nebula Blaze 300000
Twelve Lunar flare 500000
Thirteen Lunar flare 750000
Fourteen The last prism 1.000.000
That table took so long, Too many upgrades

(weapon chest 1)
Summoner Whips

Tier Weapon Price Modifiers
1 Leather whip Starter weapon -
2 Snapthorn 5000
3 Spinal tap & Feral claws 9000
4 Firecracker 14000
5 Cool whip 20000
6 Durendal 30000
7 Dark Harvest 60000 /sitem -i “Dark Harvest” -d 100
8 Kaleidoscope 100000 /sitem -i “Kaleidoscope” -d 140
9 Morning star 150000 /sitem -i “Morning Star” -ut 40 -ua 40 -d 160
10 Kaleidoscope 180000 /sitem -i “Kaleidoscope” -d 180
11 Kaleidoscope 230000 -
12 Durendal 300000 /sitem -i “Durendal” -s 20 -ut 5 -ua 5 -d 170
13 Kaleidoscope 450000 /sitem -i “Kaleidoscope” -s 30 -ut 9 -ua 9
14 Kaleidoscope 750000 /sitem -i “Kaleidoscope” -s 25 -ut 5 -ua 5 -d 300

Chest 2 Summoner weapons Summons

Tier Weapon Cost Modifier
1 Finch staff Starter weapon -
2 Hornet staff 1500 -
3 Vampire frog staff 4500 -
4 Imp staff 7500 -
5 Imp staff 10000 /sitem -i “Imp staff” -d 37
6 Spider staff 25000 /sitem -i “Spider staff” -d 32
7 Optic staff 37500 /sitem -i “Optic staff” -d 25
8 Optic staff 55000 -
9 Pygmy staff 75000 -
10 Raven staff 100000 /sitem -i “Raven staff” -d 60
11 Xeno staff 170000 /sitem -i “Xeno staff” -d 20
12 Xeno staff 250000 -
13 Stardust cell staff 475000 -
14 Stardust cell staff 750000 /sitem -i “Stardust cell staff” -d 70
15 Stardust dragon staff 1.000.000 -

Melee Class Weapon chest 1

Tier Weapon Price Modifier
Starter weapon Wand of sparking - -
1 Platinum Broadsword 3000 -
2 Light’s Bane 6000 /sitem -i “Light’s Bane” -d 19
3 Muramasa & Feral claws 10000 -
4 Blade of Grass 15000 /sitem -i “Blade of grass” -d 30 -ut 20 -ua 20
5 Fiery greatsword 23000 -
6 Night’s edge 34000 -
7 Beam sword 45000 /sitem -i “Beam sword” -d 50
8 True excalibur 70000 -
9 Keybrand 100000 /sitem -i “Keybrand” -s 132 -ss 10
10 Terra blade 225000 /sitem -i “Terra blade” -d 95
11 Scourge of the corruptor 375000 /sitem -i “Scourge Of The Corruptor” -d 135
12 StarLight 500000 /sitem -i “Starlight” -d 120
13 Meowmere 750000 /sitem -i “Meowmere” -d 175
14 Zenith 1.000.000 -
Weapons chest 2 melee(had a misspeling, i fixed it “bloddy machete”)
Tier Weapon Price Modifier
------ --------------------- -------- -------------------------------------
Starter weapon Wooden boomerang - -
1 Enchanted boomerang 1000 -
2 Shroomerang 2500 -
3 Bloody machete 4000 -
4 Combat wrench 8000 -
5 Flamarang 16000 -
6 Flamarang 25000 /sitem -i “flamarang” -d 50
7 5 Light disk 45000 -
8 9 Bananarang 60000 -
9 Paladin’s hammer 100000 -
10 Paladin’s hammer 250000 /sitem -i “paladin’s hammer” -d 150
11 Paladin’s hammer 490000 /sitem -i “paladin’s hammer” -d 200
12 Paladin’s hammer" 750000 /sitem -i “paladin’s hammer” -d 300
Mage weapon chest 2…?
Tier Weapon Price…? Unmodifier?
------ ---------- --------------------- -------------
1 Dirt rod 9999999 ?
Yeah… its just this, btw its not a joke
Ranged class Weapon chest 2
Tier Weapon Price Modifier
------ ----------------- ----------- --------------------------------
1 Revolver 3000 -
2 Handgun 7000 -
3 Minishark 14000 /sitem -i “minishark” -d 10
4 Phoenix blaster 20000 -
5 Venus magnum 35000 /sitem -i “venus magnum” -d 40
6 Megashark 50000 -
7 Chain gun 110000 -
8 Xenoppoper 390000 -
9 Vortex beater 500000 -
10 S.D.M.G. 750000 /sitem -i “S.D.M.G.” -d 78
11 S.D.M.G. 1.000.000 -
Armor chest (Ranged)
Tier Armor Price Defense
------ ----------------------------------- -------- -----------------------
1 Wooden armor 750 2+1 defense bonus
2 PearlWood armor 2000 7+1 defense bonus
3 Silver armor 6000 13
4 Fossil armor 15000 13
5 Necro armor 36000 19 in PC 16 in Mobile
6 Mythril armor (Helmet) 50000 27
7 Hallowed armor (Helmet) 95000 35
9 Shroomite armor (with bow helmet) 200000 51
Armor chest (Mage)
Tier Armor Price Defense
1 Wooden armor 750 3
2 EbonWood armor 2000 5
3 Iron armor 7500 9
4 Jungle armor 15000 16
5 Meteor Armor 25000 16
6 Mythril armor(mage helmet) 40000 24
7 Hallowed armor (mage helmet) 70000 31
8 Spectre armor(Mask) 120000 42
11 Nebula armor 250000 46

Armor chest (Summoner)

Tier Armor Price Defense
1 Flinx fur coat 1500 1
2 Iron armor 4000 9
3 Bee armor 10000 13
4 Obsidian armor 18000 16
5 Spider armor 30000 20
6 Hallowed armor(Hood) 50000 27
7 Tiki armor 85000 35
8 Spooky armor 145000 30
11 Stardust armor 200000 38

Armor chest(Melee)

Tier Armor Price Defense
1 Ebonwood armor 1600 5
2 Tungsten armor 4000 15
3 Platinum armor 9000 20
4 Crimson armor 16000 19
5 Molten armor 27000 25
6 Cobalt armor 40000 28
7 Titanium armor 65000 49
8 Hallowed armor 80000 50
9 Turtle armor 170000 65
10 Beetle armor(scale mail) 250000 61
11 Solar flare armor 350000 78

Ammo chest (For Melee)

Potion Price
2 Ironskin potion 7500
2 Potion of regeneration 7500
2 Pad thai 7500
2 Lifeforce potion 7500
Wrath potion 7500
Rage potion 7500

Ammo chest for summoners

Potion Price
2 Ironskin potion 7500
2 Potion of regeneration 7500
2 Pad thai 7500
2 Lifeforce potion 7500
3 Summoning potion 7500
Rage potion 7500

Ammo chest (For mages)

Potion Price
2 Ironskin potion 7500
2 Potion of regeneration 7500
2 Pad thai 7500
3 Mana regeneration potion 7500
Wrath potion 7500
Magic power potion 7500
All the weapon chests are done, Now here is the acc chest info

Acc chest 1 is on 8292 1195
Acc chest 2 is on 8300 1179
Here are summoner accs

Acc chest Accessory Price
1 Pygmy necklace & necromancer scroll 10000
2 Hercules beetle 10000
Here are melee accs
Acc chest Accessory Price
----------- ------------------ -------
1 Warrior Emblem 15000
2 Destroyer Emblem 20000
Here are Ranged accs
Acc chest Accessory Price
----------- ------------------ -------
1 Sniper scope 20000
2 Stalker’s quiver 20000
Here are mage accs
Acc chest Accessory Price
----------- ------------------ -------
1 Celestial emblem 20000
2 Nature’s gift 5000

Special thanks to Glasia and Tedxa for helping me make this submission!


replace this with the map name, so lihzhard dungeon

this area should help, you can also check other map submissions

this will help alot


You’re not suppose to include the {} btw


Also, please don’t give tags to your own map


For the location, use the /pos command in a part of your map.

For the unverified rating, decide what you want your map to be, either easy, medium, or hard.

Make sure to put your class breakdown (all the items and mob spawns, basically everything that isn’t in the build) into a table, which you can do with a markdown table generator. (Tier number in row, item name, amount, modification, and stuff like that in columns)


Class breakdown can be like this:

  1. Player Spawn: POS
  2. Mob spawns:
    (numbered list of positions)
  3. Chest positions:
    1. Weapon chests:
      (numbered list of positions)
    2. Accessory chests:
      (numbered list of positions)
    3. Ammo chests:
      (numbered list of positions)
    4. Armor chest: POS
    5. HP chest: POS
    6. Mana chest (if you have any magic or summoner classes): POS
  4. Classes (For every class follow this template:
    1. (nameOfClass1) starting with (starter items like vanity and a weak weapon)

      1. For every weapon enter WeaponName, Price, Modifications via Sitem

        Tier Chest 1 Chest 2 Chest 3 …
      2. Contents of the Armor chest:
        (numbered list with its items in the following form: Tier#. ArmorSet, Price)

      3. Contents of the Ammo chests:
        (numbered list with its items in the following form: ChestNo#. Ammo item type, amount, Price)

      4. Contents of the Accessory chests:
        (numbered list with its items in the following form: ChestNo#. Accessory item, Price)

    2. (the same for the other classes)


I suggest using different tables for chests, like this:

a single unified table is very messy if you have a lot of chests


How do i make tables?

|-|-|-| (the number of -| after the | is the number of columns)
|ContentRow1Col1|ContentRow1Col2|...| (repeat these rows, the number of | is one more than the number of columns)

Can you make a example?


Table example:

|Ingame username|# of characters|# of vowels|# of consonants|
|Lord Avery|10|3|6|

I wanted the table script example , Not the “table”


Here the format is.


Creating a bunch of weapon tables ( Each for a class ) Will take SO long…


But it is needed, to define and let us know, what weapons will be available.


I dont understand the tiers from your table for the breakdown, Im making the breakdown right now


The tiers mean:
Items costing nothing at Tier 0 are starter items. Then when you accumulated enough score, you can upgrade your tier by buying from the chest. The tier goes up by 1. Tier X means, you need to upgrade X times your weapons.



Thanks that site gonna help me a lot!


Replace with this:

Tier Set Price
1 Wood 1000
2 Gold 5000
3 Crimtane 15000
4 Molten 45000
5 Palladium 30000
6 Hallowed 80000
7 Beetle, damage focused chestplate 120000
8 Solar Flare 150000


Tier Set Price
1 Wood 1000
2 Gold 5000
3 Jungle 15000
4 Forbidden 30000
5 Hallowed 80000
6 Spectre, with the mask, not the hood 120000
7 Nebula 150000


Tier Set Price
1 Wood 1000
2 Gold 5000
3 Fossil 15000
4 Mythril 30000
5 Frost 80000
6 Shroomite, bullet helmet 120000
7 Vortex 150000


Tier Set Price
1 Wood 1000
2 Gold 5000
3 Bee 15000
4 Spider 30000
5 Hallowed 80000
6 Spooky 120000
7 Stardust 150000