DG PvP Rebalance Thread



Yes. Even Komu agrees with itā€¦


people shouldnā€™t have to remake their vanities because some people canā€™t use their eyes to see players

wings arenā€™t even that loud, youā€™ll see them on your screen before you hear them 99% of the time

additionally, players are completely visible because invisi pots and stealth are banned, making ambushes already extremely difficult to pull off

additionally additionally, you can hear people using slime mount and weapons, so wings dont even matter


i donā€™t think a sniper nerf is warranted because it barely benefits from autofire since itā€™s slow but if youā€™re gonna nerf it anyway this is the way to go

yeah sure

maybe have it be closer to 85 so itā€™s on-par with light disc (light disc has 81 base damage)

yeah i agree

i agree the range is good, but itā€™s harder to aim than phammer making it not as good in close-range scenarios


i do not understand the point of banning this, itā€™ll do nothing, itā€™ll wreck my and othersā€™ vanities (lazureā€™s board is good-looking), people can already listen for other much louder, more obvious sound cues (eg, weapons, slime mount, taking damage, cdashing), and I donā€™t understand how silent wings make any difference whatsoever.

people canā€™t ambush effectively AT ALL, seeing as how invisi pots, stealth, and Psycho Knife are banned. While you can use the simplest variety of camouflage using loadout systems as you said, this relies on you being able to quickly transition between loadouts while in combat. Assuming these loadouts are purely for the camo, this also takes away from possible utilities for regen and such. Silent wings do not make one invisible, they do not make a person any less detectable, and itā€™s constantly daytime in PvP anyway.

I donā€™t see how this is exclusive to silent wings lmao, I could do that with any wings and escape properly. Silent wings do not change anything.

exactly- which is why we have weapon sounds, hurt sounds, grapple sounds, mounting sounds, cart sounds- the list goes on. Wings make barely any noise (except starboard, but thatā€™s banned for obvious reasons), and the only way to properly use this sound to your advantage is to crank up your volume, which happens to be absolute earrape in PvP. So yes, sound cues are good,but wing sound cues barely make a difference.

Another thing is that so many people donā€™t even use sound, so this would be basically just banning possible vanity options for them. Sound cues of wings do not make any difference in tracking a player. I do not see how they deserve a ban, and Iā€™d like to keep my vanity options, please.


Not true
The type of ambushing Laciel is likely referring to is more like a sucker punch than a backstab
which basically means appearing quickly with something like slime mount descending or insig + empress accelerated flight, and getting in quick damage before your opponent reacts
I actually donā€™t know what Laciel is referring to with 1.4.4 loadout swapping making ambushes easier though


ah, thought that by talking about loadouts they were referencing camo

yeah that makes sense, though how do silent wings impact this even remotely


someone whoā€™s trying to ambush is going to want to be as quiet as possible so that their opponent reacts to them as late as possible, non-silent wings can make opponents react earlier than the ambusher wants them to


an updated tier list

ft. new tier for the worst weapons


@enemy_gamer Can you make an armor tier list for PvP next?

(Sry for ping btw)


Like one tier list for each part of a set or mixed set.


Breh then how is one supposed to regen quickly without having to have atleast some sort of regen accessory you canā€™t force a player who is low on hp to engage they are either going to anti rush you while fleeing to regen somewhere, or just straight up going to exit your line of sight the moment they spot you if they are low and they notice that you are using a sniper rifleā€¦

The second one is the only reason I have a sniper rifle in my inventory in the first place I only use it to spot enemies so I know how to best handle the situation because I donā€™t have the accuracy to use it on mobile.

Even then tho I barely use it for spotting either only when I hear chaos will I use it.


We already have an armor tier list.


this is pre-1.4.4, iā€™ll just list all the changes iā€™d make
Beetle Armor - S > A
Hallowed Armor - Moved below Forbidden Armor


I meant a new one but thanks


Does anyone know when weā€™ll be able to use weapons like the Terra Blade, True Excalibur, True Knights Edge, & The Horsemanā€™s Blade again? I really miss using those as they were my most used weapons in the server & currently cannot use them.


we got no idea when or even if PvP will be updated to 1.4.4
What i can say for certain is that Terra Blade will be banned for certain, the projectile is way too big and fast to dodge
Might be a similar case for True Nightā€™s Edge, but considering that the projectile is less egregious, it might just be nerfed hard instead of banned outright.
As for the other twoā€¦ theyā€™ll probably stay balanced as is, thought TE might be nerfed


The true excalbur will be a bigger Breaker Blade with less damage?
How would it fit in the new tierlist?


Switching to hallowed armor before an ambush to get holy protection and try to chip health as much as possible then switching back to your main kit when the buff wears off is one good example. You are completely invulnerable for a few moment so you can just focus on putting more dmg in that loadout w/o worrying about your def (e.g Hallowed Set/Hood + Summoner Acc + Glove + Dharvest/Mstar). Itā€™s banned temporarily so I guess this is still relevant.


@SolarDeity banned a hallowed armor piece so it doesā€™nt work anymore