Ban appeal #6

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: Ban

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
No glasia tell me is

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
No it’s unfair

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
It’s been two months or more I waiting and
I just want play this will help you what happened Before I doing something stupid

And look I’m just joined the server and don’t do anything

I will wait just waiting and you tell me I unbanned

I ll do vote players will choose I unban or no

  • Should I unban :white_check_mark:
  • Or no :x:
0 voters



This was covered in your first accepted appeal where you were banned for using godmode (important parts are in bold:

And here we are again, where you broke one of the rules that you were originally banned for. Your original ban covered the rule that you were banned for, and then you went and broke it again. Why? How is the ban unfair as you claim if you read the rule previously and quoted it for your first appeal?


First time i learn the lesson

But this time I know if I used I will ban because that I just joined the server but don’t use it because I know I will ban if I used
I joined don’t do anything take screenshot and post it here for fun and that’s all I don’t want to do anything broke the rules but I don’t know that include just joining the server with this and don’t do anything you will ban I thinked I used I will ban not just joining






Whether or not doing what you did for your second ban was allowed or not was explained in your first ban through the rule you broke. You didn’t use it, but my thought process was that you would have seen that specific part that was relevant to your question (using an inventory editor to have an impossible character is covered in the rules) and thus you wouldn’t have had to test and get banned in the process.

There might be something lost in translation here, so if there is I’m sorry. Your unban will be a topic of wider staff discussion.


I think what is being said here is important, but I did not understand anything of it
can you make it simple I’m bad in English and the translater isn’t help me
all that I used translater to write
Thanks for your time




The rule you broke the first time is the same rule you broke the second time. I don’t understand why you joined the server knowingly if you read that rule for your original ban.


just want to take picture and post it here for fun I had no intention of cheating or disturbing the server, but I did not know that even if you did not use the hack, just entered the server with hack , you will be banned. I sorry for that I don’t know it. next time you see me banned for this reason again I don’t talk and say goodbye and never see me again in server .


Then please use a singleplayer world for those things. Still waiting for further help from staff.


Ok next time I will use single player world for those
Thanks for your understanding and
when I can join It has been 3 months since I last entered the server and I can’t wait for playing in server :heart:






I’ll bring up second opinions again in the staff chat, but as of current… it might not happen. Currently only myself and 2 other staff members have contributed to the discussion and traditionally we’re not supposed to unban a second time if the offending player broke again any rule they originally broke.


I understand It mean l want unban because I broke the same rule again
I really sorry I didn’t have to enter a server with illegal character without knowing that this was not allowed it’s my fault
Please you and others moderates give me 1 chance and you know I’m good player and all happened in second ban is miss understanding and I don’t want to destroy the server and make bad gameplay for others but please translate rules for others languages it would help others to understand because google translate is bad for some languages and it would help others to not get in my fault.



