ztqek's Appeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: Ban

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
No It was 2 years ago and I didn’t have any knowledge of the rules. I was idiotic back then but I have realized my mistakes.

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
he ban was fair because I remember taking someone’s ammo box when they clearly told me not to. I don’t remember any account of griefing but it was a long time ago so I probably did.

[Q4] Why should we unban you?

The ban was 2 years ago and I have since changed, upgrading to crew and following all rules correctly, I am not like how I used to be and I am more kinder and helpful to players now. I do not grief anymore as I know how it feels to lose items after working for them. And my other appeal got assigned and then abandoned and closed. Please answer this one!


Normally the staff member that makes a ban handles the appeal if it comes up. I’ll go ask about if it should be opened up for someone else to handle but until then can’t do much besides waiting.


He did not reply to the previous one :frowning:


Sometimes that changes. Either the staff member getting some time for the appeal (vs. not having any) or the staff member handling the appeal is changed.


Can you read the rules and quote the rule(s) you broke? Do this in a new reply, don’t edit your appeal. If you do not know how to quote the rules, read the guide How to quote the rules.

If you do not identify the right rule(s) that you broke or you do not know which ones you broke, I can make it clear.

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Here it is! It keeps saying post empty so i added this text



Its this ban not that one btw i dont know how that got there but its this ban which is still active

  1. Do you understand why what you did broke the rules stated?
  2. Do you understand how you can avoid breaking them again?
  3. Do you agree that you will not break the same rules in the future?
  4. Do you understand that if in the future you break any of the rules that you were banned for already, that you will not be able to appeal again (unless the ban was a mistake or due to extenuating circumstances)?
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