Zombies Rage Ability

This is an ability meant to give attack buffs to the player and only the player.
All abilities share a universal cooldown of 25 seconds.

SW: Blind Rage
Gives both heavy buffs and heavy debuffs, upgrades decrease debuff times by two seconds.

Darkness (id22): 15 seconds
Confused (id31): 15 seconds
Broken Armor (id36): 15 seconds
Panic (id63): 15 seconds

Jungle’s Fury (id314): 10 seconds
Harvest Time (id 311): 10 seconds
Rage (id115): 10 seconds
Wrath (id117): 10 seconds

WW: Fury
Gives short and pretty small buffs at no cost (except for ability p;rice increase)

omg writing the buff list for SW took a long time, just make suggestions (buffs get longer by one second each upgrade (with a base time of 4 seconds), and a new small buff is added each upgrade)

SS: Hidden Ability: Bee
Summons a single bee

This ability is really similar to Valiant…

Also, what exactly is this?


on WW (fury) which buffs they give? is random buffs?


well all abilities are like that anyway, but i meant that all the powers give you a 25 second cooldown and you cant use another power when you have a cooldown from a power.

(about valiant, valiant gives regen buffs, you need to get really risky to get buffs, and the ability just sucks in general)


its supposed to give small buffs that are constant but im too lazy to write them right now.


wouldnt the bee attack you though

this looks kind of interesting, but like 0re0 said, it’s pretty similar to valiant, maybe something slightly different like instant-killing the next zombie you hit (or something, i have no idea but that sounds like rage) . The debuffs are fine but maybe it should be less focused on them.


bee gun, bee’s knees, beenade, bee keeper, honey comb and it’s upgrades…


you summon a 1dmg bee gun projectile

like i said to oreo, valiant focuses on regeneration instead of attack buffs, its risk based, and noone uses valiant since it sucks

apart from the fact that this might be impossible to code for the devs, this ability would both completely suck and also kind of be op with no way to balance it. you can kill bosses instantly getting all the point rewards (which isnt that much tbh), but it would be useless in normal rounds, especially if it has a big cooldown

SW isnt the only power, theres also fury (unfinished) which gives no debuffs and is meant to be a small boost to power. Theres also bee attack. SW is meant to be op (for melee/whip) but with debuffs to balance it


Hmmm… this sounds familiar… It sounds like my old ability suggestion. Well, kind of. The tittle part ‘Rage’ reminded me of my suggestion but yours is much different from mine…


yeah from the “summon bee” i thought it meant the bee enemy, not the projectile