Zombies Map's Balancing

Hello, Madofado here, recently I started working on a Zombies map after I got crew. Yesterday, Yems and 0re0 helped me build it, and I think as of today it’s pretty much completed.

This is the first time I ever made a map, though, and I’m not sure if the items I wrote down are balanced in cost or power. Would anyone mind giving me some feedback here?

BTW, thank you very much to Yems and 0re0, even though I started the map they did like 90% of the work, lol.

Here’s the stuff I wrote down (keep in mind most of these prices are just my wild generalizations):

  • Spawn Point: [3136, 618]
  • Zombie Spawn 1: [3111, 604]
  • Zombie Spawn 2: [3158, 618]
  • Zombie Spawn 3: [3225, 617]
  • Zombie Spawn 4: [3205, 599]

Class 1: Warrior (Jim’s Helmet, Jim’s Breastplate, Jim’s Leggings, Silver Broadsword)

Weapon Chest 1:

-Bone Sword (1000)
-Blood Butcherer (5000)
-Palladium Sword (12000)
-Excalibur (27000)
-Seedler (70000)
-True Night’s Edge (130000)
-Influx Waver (280000)

Weapon Chest 2:

-Storm Spear (2000)
-Dark Lance (12000)
-Mushroom Spear (70000)
-Sky Dragon’s Fury, sitem with 200 damage (400000)

Armor Chest:

-Gold Armor (2000)
-Crimson Armor (6000)
-Palladium Armor w/ Mask (13000)
-Frost Armor (24000)
-Chlorophyte Armor w/ Mask (60000)
-Valhalla Knight Armor (180000)

Ammo Chest: Flask of Fire (3000)
Accessory Chest 2: Hero’s Shield (13000)
Accessory Chest 3: Fire Gauntlet (40000)

Class 2: Huntsman (Gravedigger Coat, Silver Bow, 150 Wooden Arrows)

Weapon Chest 1:

-Platinum Bow, 100 Unholy Arrows (1000)
-Tendon Bow, 100 Unholy Arrows (5000)
-Marrow, 200 Unholy Arrows (12000)
-Phantom Phoenix, Endless Quiver (27000)
-Pulse Bow, 300 Unholy Arrows (70000)
-Eventide, 300 Unholy Arrows (140000)
-Phantasm, 300 Unholy Arrows (280000)

Weapon Chest 2:

-Harpoon (2000)
-Onyx Blaster, Endless Musket Pouch (12000)
-Piranha Gun (70000)
-Vortex Beater (400000)

Armor Chest:

-Gold Armor (2000)
-Crimson Armor (6000)
-Palladium Armor w/ Helmet (13000)
-Frost Armor (24000)
-Chlorophyte Armor w/ Helmet (60000)
-Red Riding Hood Armor (180000)

Ammo Chest: 60 Frostburn Arrows (1000)
Accessory Chest 2: Stinger Necklace (13000)
Accessory Chest 3: Molten Quiver (40000)

Universal (Both Classes)

Class Chest 1 (Warrior) [3143, 612]
Class Chest 2 (Huntsman) [3143, 606]
Weapon Chest 1 [3137, 606]
Weapon Chest 2 [3147, 600]
Weapon Chest (With an Accessory) 3: Shield of Cthulu (8000) [3208, 637]
Armor Chest [3144, 630]
Life Chest: +100 HP (14000) [3133, 600]
Accessory Chest 1: Frog Leg (8000) [3127, 632]
Accessory Chest 2 [3109, 636]
Accessory Chest 3 [3205, 583]
Ammo Chest [3173, 642]

Please also let me know if this is the correct or an acceptable way to format the information for an actual Zombies map, since I cannot figure out how to make a table, lol.




I’m not submitting this map (yet), I wanted to ask everyone if it’s balanced or not, since I’m pretty inexperienced at this.


Oh I didn’t actually read much of it, sorry about that


That’s alright. Thanks for helping build it!


What’s the unverified rating for the map? And np


I was thinking Beginner. It’s fairly small, no lava or any unrevivable locations (unless you die in midair, which is possible for a lot of maps) and I didn’t try to make it difficult in any areas.


I’d lower Chlorophyte Armor a bit as it’s not really that powerful. Other than that, seems to be balanced well for a beginner map.


How about 55k instead of 70k?


Actually, if it’s not that great, what about replacing it with the post-plantera armor for both classes (Beetle and Shroomite) for that stage instead?


I think the last armors should be the Valhalla and Red Riding sets.

You should also make this an ammo chest. Endless quiver is already an ammo, not an accessory.

Maybe you can turn this into a weapon chest and make it:
Cloud in a Bottle (7000) -> Blizzard in a Bottle (25000) -> White Horseshoe Balloon (40000)

Also, I think you should put in Unholy Arrows on some of the bow upgrades in Huntsman’s Weapon Chest 1. I don’t see the more powerful bows being able to properly deal with mass amounts of tanky enemies that appear in the later rounds.

Oh and this is up to you but maybe you can replace Pulse Bow and it’s upgrades with a Toxikarp /sitem that shoots jester/unholy/hellfire arrows.

I think the Xenopopper is a downgrade to the Onyx Blaster because of Onyx Blaster’s special projectile’s splash damage.

One last thing: The HP chest is kinda op, don’t you think? Tone down the HP or make it waaay more expensive.

Nice submission, and you can look at other submissions to make your formatting.


soaring insignia is almost useless without wings, so i definitely agree that you should add some type of bottle jumps or mobility like oero said


Well, wings with Soaring Insignia is a bit too overpowered due to the fact you can just run away easily. I’m likely overthinking this…


Soaring Insignia grants more jump height.

No wings :)


almost* useless. Adding a soaring insignia, which is usually known as very powerful, in a way that makes it only as good as a red balloon or frog leg doesnt feel right. It would be better to just add a red balloon, frog leg, or bottle/balloon jumps like you said to make its look fit the price


I thought it was cool to have a Soaring Insignia for the jump accessory, since most other maps use the regular ones, but if it’s that confusing, then I can just replace it with probably a Red Balloon.

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I got locked or something for making too many posts on my first day.


List of changes for today:
Replaced Endless Quiver with Stinger Necklace (because you can’t have an ammo in an accessory slot).
Removed Solar Flare and Vortex Armor.
Changed price of Chlorophyte Armor to 60k.
Increased price of Life Chest to 14000 for 100 HP (put the wrong number last time).


Wait, am I not allowed to edit the main post more than once? It’s not working anymore, apparently


You should be allowed to edit the initial post as many times as you please - unless it is really old, which is something you do not have to worry about.


Where is the button? I may have just forgotten about it