Your thoughts and review of Terraria

In the last poll in Damage Variability and Crits, it seems that variable damage is just about more popular. I’ll be looking into how best to implement this, but a basic version will exist in the next test.


I’ll probably ask a similar question to the following again in the future, but it would be interesting to hear:

What positive opinions do you have about Terraria?

For example, things that you think should exist in similar games.

What negative opinions do you have about Terraria?

For example, things that should not be included in similar games or should be reworked in similar games, or things that are missing but should exist. This could also be something you would want to see in Terraria 2, since I imagine unless it’s about a specific item, it will be useful still in relation to this category.

Essentially the kind of things you might put into a review, or something that you thought to yourself you wish it was a different way or a game with/without something would be better.

While I ask this in the context of this category, opinions, even about things that are currently not related to the game that is in progress, can still be useful.


Separately here are three polls:

Is the use of the wiki required to play Terraria properly?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Did you use the wiki in your first play-through?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Does Terraria do enough (in-game) to help new players understand what to do when they are new to the game?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


i think terraria could do a bit more to help nudging the player in where to go.


Guide help you lot in first time when play terraria but no one care about he say lot for useful things


Anyone have thoughts on things like:

  • Balance
  • Classes
  • Boss variety and difficulty
  • Loot Drops not being random
  • Exploration

For example, is one class clearly better/worse than the others?
Are there any missed opportunities with bosses?
Should loot drops be purely random chance?
Is there enough variety in exploration?


Armor balance in Terraria does not exist, also i wish it had more offensive combat accs. Exploration is really bad too. There are like only 10 different structures. Could have added more small ones, however, it is important to not add too much of them (bad example: Remnants mod). And lastly, summoner and mage lack variety and so do yoyos (also latter are useless)


Um, I never thought about something like that. When my brother first showed me the game on his Nintendo 3DS, I really enjoyed it. On my first playthrough, I didn’t even know anything like that, I just ran through all the bosses without enjoying the game. Also on that point with the boss drop, I think it would get really boring and you could finish the game much easier. It would get boring after a few hours of play. The randomness is what makes it this nice game.


Too bad that Cobalt, Mythril and Adamantite armor do not have special bonusses that are not just stats increase because the similar tiered Palladium, Orichalcum and Titanium armor have already bonusses. And also the 6 HM ore sets have no summoner helmet or so.


I accidentally wrote Loot Drops not being random but meant loot drops being random (because in Terraria they are), but it seems you answered in the way I intended anyway.

The issue of randomness is that some people may find an item quickly while others may have to farm for it or question whether it is bugged because they haven’t got it yet after way more kills than expected based on the chance.

Would it not be better if it was random up to a certain limit, where it is then guaranteed to drop if it hasn’t yet?

For example, if an item has a 1% chance of dropping from enemy x, you would expect on average to get 1 drop for every 100 enemy kills. In reality, this doesn’t always happen.

A cap on randomness would mean that it is guaranteed to drop once you reach 100 enemy kills if it hasn’t dropped yet. Then you would know with 100% confidence that you need to kill that enemy a maximum of 100 times before you would get that item.


i believe that there is a game design thing where you add a cap to randomness so players dont feel like the rng is broken. its because you humans have a tendency to assume that say, if something has a 50% chance of happening, then it must happen within 2 tries.

also on the topic of reviewing terraria, i do not like the waiting timer in terraria. it adds nothing to the game and makes dying annoying. it makes sense for multiplayer bossfights for them to be long, but otherwise, it barely needs to exist (a few seconds is ok but FIFTEEN IS NOT)


mobile users tend to do more consistend damage output the pc users cuz the auto aim. but pc users have way more advantage when it come to surviving and mobility…


Oh, Okay I see now. Yes, that’s right. I totally agree with you.


I just remembered what I was going to say. For example: You farm the materials for the Anch shield. You have almost all the items, but 1 is missing. You have 2 of the same items and drop one of them into the shimmer to get the missing item. I think this is a way to bypass long farming.