Topaz Mall Overview

Topaz Mall

The map Topaz Mall contains a mall next to a theatre which are located next to two subway stations. Under the mall and theatre there is a mini-underworld with a casino entrance in it.
As the map has mostly narrow corridors, it is recommended to use the Coward ability to get out of mob crowds if the HP get low and Shaman to get more max HP.
The best number of players to play the map with ranges from three to seven but with the right strategy any number of players can be successful on this map.

Locaition of the class chests

The three class chest are loccated above the spawn in a room which is connected to a black escalator.

Mysterious Manager (the left of the three chests)

The Mysterious Manager does additionally to managing the theatre practise magic using various magiccal weapons not only on Mondays and on Tuesdays.
Starting with: Amethyst Staff, Mummy Mask

Chivalrous Cashier (the middle of the three chests)

The Chivalrous Cashier not only sits all day behind the cash desk of a shop in the mall, they are actively training the usage of swords, spears and maces not only on Wednesdays and on Thursdays.
Starting with: Iron Broadsword, Familiar Wig, Plumber’s Shirt, Tax Collector’s Pants

Precise Producer (the right of the three class chests)

The Precise Producer does besides producing shows also archery and gun slinging not only on Fridays, on Saturdays and on Sundays.
Starting with: Boreal Wood Bow, 50 Wooden Arrows, 50 Musket Balls, Archaeologist’s Hat

Locations of the other chests

Where you can upgrade your weapons:

Chest 1: Above the theatre cash desk between the 1 and 2 Statues.
Chest 2: In the back of the shop with the obsidian and hellstone brick walls, located at the ground level in the center of the mall
Chest 3: In the mini underworld below the CASINO text written in statues
Chest 4 (with special items for each class): Above the backstage of the theatre where the mall can be accessed from the theatre. Be careful as there is a spikes parcour and a mistake could cost you 60 HP with no armor. That spot is also a great spot to place sentries.

Where you can upgrade your armor:

Behind the right crimson subway train

Where you can upgrade your stats:

HP: On the right crimson subway train
Mana: On the left crimson subway train (only for Mysterious Manager)

Where you can get ammo (Important for Precise Producer but also interesting for other classes):

Chest 1: In the basement of the theatre accessible by going down at the staircase of the theatre
Chest 2 In the basement of the mall accessible by going down at the shop with the two spooky bookcases