The Shadow (K)night's Appeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: Ban

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
Kinda.I assumed that using game modifying mods to give me God mode was alright since every player sided with me saying that zombies was too hard to beat anyway.

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
Yes. I can understand the circumstances for my ban.

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
I will not use cheat clients or any client to modify my experience that goes against the general rules of dark games again. I could understand if I was not unbanned due to the circumstances of my ban,but it is up to the reviewer of My ban. I acknowledge my actions and furthermore promise to rethink them.I am hurting the community by using cheats that deny the skill level of my fellow players and furthermore making others think less of me. My excuses aren’t gonna cut it,either,unless I actually make the change. I understand the situation and politely ask you to rethink my ban sentence. Have a lovely day.


So what’s going to stop you from using them again because stuff like Zombies is “too hard”?


Well,I would have to say morality and the satisfaction of winning. I felt guilt playing after a while because it was kinda like putting someone in a chokehold. Nobody could lose unless it was on my terms.Cheating not only takes away the thrill and satisfaction of winning, but it also diminishes the value of the game itself. By refraining from cheating, I would be constantly challenged to improve my skills and develop new strategies to overcome obstacles,but instead I took the easy path and didn’t use that skill. This not only hurts my gameplay experience but also allows me to fully appreciate the effort and dedication that goes into creating these mini games. Cheating may provide temporary advantages, but the long-term benefits of honest gameplay far outweigh any shortcuts that I could’ve taken.



Can you read the rules and quote the rule(s) you broke? Do this in a new reply, don’t edit your appeal. If you do not know how to quote the rules, read the guide How to quote the rules.

If you do not identify the right rule(s) that you broke or you do not know which ones you broke, I can make it clear.


I do not know how to quote them,but I do know the rules that I broke,the rule i broke is section five part 1,Modified clients.


I’m using the mobile chrome app (not Google chrome,just actually the installed chrome web app


Something I just noticed that I missed: why did you join the server a couple days after you made your appeal?


Was bored and was joining servers,saw dark,joined,signed in,got banned again so it was just me being bored


So how can I trust you to be within the rules proper if you’re just going to ban evade out of boredom?


I wasn’t trying to intentionally ban evade,I just got bored and decided to join :expressionless:


So, while having an open appeal and thus, you’re still trying to be unbanned, you decided to join anyways 3 days after posting it originally? What’s the point of the appeal?


Well,I just was randomly joining worlds. I put in the appeal and was trying to rejoin. The server because I was kinda in disbelief of being banned


Alright then.

Going back to the rules part now,

You need to quote the rule in its entirety, not just copy/paste it. Check the guide I linked previously:


dis my quote,sorry that it took a while


Don’t be. I’m not in a position to judge, look at how quickly I respond to appeals. Thanks for sticking with it.

  1. Do you understand why what you did broke the rules stated?

  2. Do you understand how you can avoid breaking them again?

  3. Do you agree that you will not break the same rules in the future?

  4. Do you understand that if in the future you break any of the rules that you were banned for already, that you will not be able to appeal again (unless the ban was a mistake or due to extenuating circumstances)?


.1; Yes,I understand that using cheats was wrong
.2; Yes,by just not using cheats,omegakek
.3;yes,I will never hack in terraria or any other server again for that matter.
.4; yes,I understand that I won’t be able to appeal again under these circumstances.
.5; I probably should’ve quoted these but yeah,


This appeal has been accepted. Your ban has been lifted.