Sorry, and this is my appeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: ban

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
no not fair at all. I was not even typed a link how would I know if it was real link.

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
i have read the rules and acknowledged all of them with full understanding and I deeply apologise for this terrible mistake that has happened. In the future, when I type again I will be aware of what I type to avoid mistakes. My sincerest apologies.

sorry for bad english


hello any one there


Just checked the recent ban links and there’s one with your listed in - game name now. Try checking again and insert your ban link if you see it as your answer to Q1.
Do not post a new appeal; edit your existing one. Post a reply here once you have made the corrections.

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i added the link

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i added the link

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This is rule I broke:


You have not been banned for advertising, the reason for your ban is the abuse of modified clients (in your case godmode). Understood?


I understand it was kind of weird because mobs werent attacking me but players could. It is fixed now I just installed another version of the game.


This is the rule i broke:


Can you read the rules and quote the rule(s) you broke? Do this in a new reply, don’t edit your appeal. If you do not know how to quote the rules, read the guide How to quote the rules.

If you do not identify the right rule(s) that you broke or you do not know which ones you broke, I can make it clear.

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