Red's House

Red’s House

#1 Location of Map

3142, 531

#2 Builders


#3 Unverified Rating


#4 Ownership


I permit someone else to take over ownership of my map for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.


I permit unauthorised edits by administrators/managers.


I permit administrators/managers to take over my map if I become inactive or unavailable.

#5 Breakdown

Monster Spawn Locations

  1. 3098, 473
  2. 3080, 388
  3. 3083, 528
  4. 3129, 471

#1 Melé (melé, location: 3140, 534
#2 Range (range, location: 3142, 534
#3 Magic (magic, location:3144, 534
#4 Summon (summon, location: 3146 west, 534
#5 Ginger (melé, location: 3115, 494

Weapon Chest #1, Melé, location: 3137, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Meowmere (-99% damage [starter]) Cost-N/A
  2. Meowmere (-96% damage) Cost-1500
  3. Meowmere (-85% damage) Cost-8250
  4. Meowmere (-75% damage) Cost-13500
  5. Meowmere (-60% damage) Cost-35500
  6. Meowmere (-40 damage) Cost-57500
  7. Meowmere (-25% damage) Cost-68500
  8. Meowmere (-5% damage) Cost-75000
  9. Meowmere (+10% damage) Cost-100000
  10. Meowmere (+25% damage) Cost-125000

Weapon Chest #2, Melé location: 3083, 472

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Terragrim (-94% damage) Cost-3000
  2. Arkhalis (-76% damage) Cost-6750
  3. Shadow Jousting Lance (-90% damage -100% knockback) Cost-12250
  4. Sky Dragon’s Fury (-95% damage -100% velocity) Cost-18000
  5. Sleepy Octopod(-50% damage -50% speed + 100% knockback) Cost-35000
  6. Hallowed Jousting Lance (+150% damage) Cost-50000
  7. Scourge of the Corruptor (-65% Speed) Cost-50001
  8. Starlight (-50% damage +200% speed) Cost-110000
  9. Jousting Lance (+5000% damage +50000% velocity) Cost-110001

Weapon Chest #3, Melé location: 3097, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Cost

  1. Trident Cost-2250
  2. Storm Spear Cost-6000
  3. Rotted Fork Cost-10500
  4. Dark Lance Cost-15000
  5. Obsidian Swordfish Cost-22500
  6. Titanium Trident Cost-50000
  7. Ghastly Glaive Cost-60000
  8. North Pole Cost-60001
  9. Daybreak Cost-150000

Weapon Chest #1, Range location: 3137, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. SDMG, Endless Musket Pouch (-99% damage [starter]) Cost-N/A
  2. SDMG (-99% damage, silver bullets 9999) Cost-1000
  3. SDMG (-88% damage) Cost-5750
  4. SDMG (-72% damage, meteor shots 9999) Cost-14500
  5. SDMG (-41% damage, high velocity bullets 9999) Cost-22500
  6. SDMG (-6% damage) Cost-60000
  7. SDMG (+18% damage, chlorophyte bullets 9999) Cost-80000
  8. SDMG (+53% damage, venom bullets 9999) Cost-90000
  9. SDMG (+100% damage) Cost-120000
  10. SDMG (+200% damage, luminite bullets 9999) Cost-189000

Weapon Chest #2, Range location: 3083, 472

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Proximity mine launcher (-95% damage) Cost-9000
  2. Grenade Launcher (-85% damage) Cost-18000
  3. Rocket launcher (-60% damage +20% speed) Cost-27500
  4. Toxicarp (+100% speed) Cost-27501
  5. Sand gun + crimsand (9999) (+5% damage) Cost-27502
  6. Celebration (+ 20% damage) Cost-60000
  7. Electrosphere launcher (+ 25% speed) Cost-72000
  8. Snowman Cannon (+5000% velocity) Cost-75000
  9. Celebration Mk2 (+25000% velocity) Cost-145000

Weapon Chest #3, Range location: 3097, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Cost

  1. Wooden bow, Endless Quiver Cost-300
  2. Shadewood bow Cost-1500
  3. Gold bow Cost-3450
  4. Crimson Bow Cost-6000
  5. Molten fury Cost-10500
  6. Hellwing bow Cost-18000
  7. Aerial bane Cost-54000
  8. Eventide Cost-60450
  9. Phantasm Cost-90300

Weapon Chest #1, Magic location: 3137, 510.

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Lunar Flare (-99% damage + 50% speed [starter]) Cost-N/A
  2. Lunar Flare (-99% damage) Cost-3000
  3. Lunar Flare (-90% damage + 50% speed) Cost-7500
  4. Lunar Flare (-90% damage) Cost-45000
  5. Lunar Flare (-80% damage + 50% speed) Cost-11250
  6. Lunar Flare (-80% damage) Cost-21000
  7. Lunar Flare (-50% damage - 50% speed) Cost-24000
  8. Lunar Flare (-50% damage - 100% mana, -50% speed) Cost-48000
  9. Lunar Flare (-50% speed -100% mana ) Cost-96000
  10. Lunar Flare (+50% damage -50% speed -100% mana) Cost-175000

Weapon Chest #2, Magic location: 3083, 472

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Razorpine (- 75% damage +200% speed + 100% mana) Cost-4500
  2. Ruby Staff (- 5% damage) Cost-4501
  3. Staff of the Earth (-80% damage + 50% speed) Cost-8800
  4. Blizzard staff (-50% damage -90% velocity) Cost-15550
  5. Spectre Staff (+150% speed) Cost-30000
  6. Weather Pain (-98% Speed -90% mana +60000% velocity) Cost-30000
  7. Shadowbeam Staff (+200% damage -34% speed -100% velocity Cost-33000
  8. Vilethorn (+1000% damage +2000% velocity) Cost-81500
  9. Crystal Vile Shard (+500% damage +20000% velocity) Cost-121500

Weapon Chest #3, Magic location: 3097, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Crimson Rod Cost-1500
  2. Nimbus Rod Cost-11111
  3. Medusa Head Cost-16500
  4. Magic Dagger Cost-19000
  5. Spirit Flame Cost-30000
  6. Clinger Staff Cost-45000
  7. Toxic Flask Cost-60000
  8. Nebula Arcanum Cost-72000
  9. Last Prism Cost-125000

Weapon Chest #1, Summon location: 3137, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Terraprisma (-90% damage +200% mana [starter]) Cost-N/A
  2. Terraprisma (-80% damage +200% mana) Cost-3000
  3. Terraprisma (-70% damage +200% mana Cost-6000
  4. Terraprisma (-60% damage + 100% mana Cost-12000
  5. Terraprisma (-50% damage + 100% mana Cost-24000
  6. Terraprisma (-40% damage + 100% mana Cost-36000
  7. Terraprisma (-30% damage) Cost-48000
  8. Terraprisma (-20% damage) Cost-72000
  9. Terraprisma (-10% damage) Cost-96000
  10. Terraprisma (+1000% velocity) Cost-120000

Weapon Chest #2, Summon location: 3083, 472

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Ballista Rod (+10000% velocity) Cost-6000
  2. Ballista Rod (+10000% velocity +50% damage) Cost-9000
  3. Ballista Cane (+10000% velocity -50% damage) Cost-13500
  4. Ballista Cane (+10000% velocity ) Cost-27000
  5. Ballista Cane (+10000% velocity+50% damage) Cost-30500
  6. Ballista Staff (+10000% velocity) Cost-64500
  7. Ballista Staff (+10000% velocity +50% damage) Cost-100000
  8. Rainbow Crystal Rod (+10000% velocity +10% mana) Cost-75000
  9. Lunar Portal Staff (+10000% velocity +50% damage -50% mana +500% knockback) Cost-134000

Weapon Chest #3, Summon location: 3097, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Leather whip Cost-2500
  2. Snapthorn Cost-9500
  3. Firecracker Cost-15000
  4. Spinal Tap Cost-15001
  5. Durendal Cost-31500
  6. Cool Whip Cost-33000
  7. Morning Star Cost-67500
  8. Dark Harvest Cost-70000
  9. Kaleidoscope Cost-99999

Weapon Chest #1, Ginger, location: 3137, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Red’s Throw (-90% damage), Red’s Helmet, Red’s Breastplate, Red’s leggings, Red’s wings [starter]) Cost-N/A
  2. Red’s Throw (-70% damage) Cost-5300
  3. Red’s Throw (-60% damage) Cost-9700
  4. Red’s Throw (-40% damage) Cost-18000
  5. Red’s Throw (-20% damage) Cost-30000
  6. Red’s Throw (+20% damage) Cost-50000
  7. Red’s Throw (+80% damage) Cost-70000
  8. Red’s Throw (+160% damage) Cost-99999
  9. Red’s Throw (+260% damage) Cost-140000
  10. Red’s Throw (+370% damage) Cost-200001

Weapon Chest #2, Ginger, location: 3083, 472

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Teragrim (-45% damage) Cost-6900
  2. Teragrim (-18% damage) Cost-18000
  3. Teragrim (+41% damage) Cost-12000
  4. Arkhalis (+20% damage) Cost-23000
  5. Arkhalis (+60% damage) Cost-35000
  6. Arkhalis (+100% damage) Cost-42000
  7. Night’s Edge (-96% speed -97% damage +50% size) Cost-42001
  8. Night’s Edge (-96% speed -97% damage +100% size) Cost-70000
  9. Night’s Edge (-96% speed -97% damage +150% size) Cost-70001

Weapon Chest #3, Ginger location: 3097, 510

…Tier Weapon… …Modifications … … …Cost

  1. Rally Cost-3000
  2. Code 1 Cost-9000
  3. Valor Cost-14000
  4. Format:C Cost-28000
  5. Gradient Cost-37000
  6. Yeletes Cost-50000
  7. Kraken Cost-80000
  8. The Eye of Cthulhu Cost-89000
  9. Terrarian Cost-113000


Acc Chest #1, location: 3129, 474

Melé: Warrior Emblem Cost-25000
Range: Ranger Emblem Cost-25000
Magic: Sorcerer Emblem Cost-25000
Summon: Summoner Emblem Cost-25000
Ginger: Avenger Emblem Cost-1

Acc Chest #2, location: 3142, 477

Melé: Fire Gauntlet Cost-20000
Range: Recon Scope Cost-20000
Magic: Mana Flower Cost-20000
Summon: Papyrus Scarab Cost-20000
Ginger: Yoyo Bag Cost-25000

Acc Chest #3, location: 3152, 473

Melé: Hero Shield Cost-15000
Range: Celestial Shell Cost-15000
Magic: Ankh Shield Cost-15000
Summon: Squire’s Shield Cost-15000
Ginger: Frozen Shield Cost-29999


Ammo chest #1, location: 3147, 511

Melé: Ichor Flask Cost-10000
Range: Rocket 1 (50) Cost-10000
Magic: Lesser Mana Potion Cost-10000
Summon: Summoning potion Cost-10000
Ginger: Lesser healing potion Cost-10000

Ammo chest #2, 3149, 511

Melé: Venom Flask Cost-30000
Range: Mini Nuke 1 (50) Cost-30000
Magic: Super Mana Potion Cost-30000
Summon: Summoning Potion Cost-30000
Ginger: Super Healing Potion Cost-30000

Ammo chest #3, location: 3109, 532

Melé: Lightning Aura Staff Cost-75000
Range: Explosive Trap Staff Cost-75000
Magic: Flameburst Staff Cost-75000
Summon: Ichor Flask (3) Cost-75000
Ginger: Red Potion (3) Cost-75000

Life: 2000=20 life, location: 3121, 532
Mana: 2000=20 mana, location: 3125, 532


Armor chest #1, location: 3092 474


  1. Monk’s Bushy Brow Bald Cap, cost: 45000
    Monk’s Shirt, cost: 0
    Monk’s Pants, cost: 0
  2. Shinobi Infiltrator’s Helmet, cost: 75000
    Shinobi Infiltrator’s Torso, cost: 0
    Shinobi Infiltrator’s Pants, cost: 0


  1. Huntress’s Wig, cost: 45000
    Huntress’s Jerkin, cost: 0
    Huntress’s Pants, cost: 0
  2. Red Riding Hood, cost: 75000
    Red Riding Dress, cost: 0
    Red Riding Leggings, cost: 0


  1. Apprentice’s Hat, cost: 45000
    Apprentice’s Robe, cost: 0
    Apprentice’s Trousers, cost: 0
  2. Dark Artist’s Hat, cost: 75000
    Dark Artist’s Robes, cost: 0
    Dark Artist’s Leggings, cost: 0


  1. Squire’s Great Helm, cost: 45000
    Squire’s Plating, cost: 0
    Squire’s Greaves, cost: 0
  2. Valhalla Knight’s Helm, cost: 75000
    Valhalla Knight’s Breastplate, cost: 0
    Valhalla Knight’s Greaves, cost: 0


  1. Turtle Helmet, cost: 45000
    Turtle Scale Mail, cost 0
    Turtle Leggings, cost 0
  2. Beetle Helmet, cost: 75000
    Beetle Leggings, cost 0
    Beetle Scale Mail, cost 0
    Beetle Shell, cost 0

Armor Chest #2, location: 3116, 490


Solar Flare Helmet, cost: 150000
Solar Flare Breastplate, cost 0
Solar Flare Leggings, cost 0


Vortex Helmet, cost: 150000
Vortex Breastplate, cost 0
Vortex Leggings, cost 0


Nebula Helmet, cost: 150000
Nebula Breastplate, cost 0
Nebula Leggings, cost 0


Stardust Helmet, cost: 150000
Stardust Plate, cost 0
Stardust Leggings, cost 0


Solar Flare Helmet, cost: 100000
Solar Flare Breastplate, cost 0
Solar Flare Leggings, cost 0
Solar Wings, cost 0

WEAPON CHEST #4 location: 3080, 498

All Classes

  1. Grappling Hook Cost-20000
  2. Diamond Hook Cost-20001
  3. Thorn Hook Cost-20002
  4. Lunar Hook Cost-20003

#6 Images


I haven’t painted the chests (mostly) yet is that OK?


@Merfa Wow, very good map, you have my support :+1:


yay, thank you so much


Your Welcome :wink:


I hope @solysis looks at his I really look up to him.

I also hope @Tejdxa or @popstarfreas will accept it. lol


Maybe @Sertastic will accept that map too :slight_smile:


in the menu, why is the map all dim, @MarcosRudo1234?


@Merfa What menu? Dim map?


These are too many mob spawns for such a small map

Plenty of chests also have either fluctuating or drastic modifications/upgrades, making it pretty unbalanced in terms of damage and how little they cost. Examples (not limited to these):

Which chest is this referring to?

And you have to paint the chests

Overall, this map would create a number of problems during real gameplay, so I cannot accept this submission at the moment. Make any proper changes to the post and leave another reply ONLY AFTER you have done so and I’ll re-evaluate it. I suggest also updating the picture after the changes.


OK, I will, also, can you maybe tell me what some good prices are for these weapons, armor, and other items/monster spawn locations, this is my first map and I’m not sure how to balance things well yet. Thanks for the feedback @Sertastic! By the way, it’s fine if you edit anything.

(in case you didn’t know, the - are representing minus signs).


In the list of map submissions, on my screen, Red’s House looks dim, do you know why?


Hmm, well for me that photo is good, no is dim
See @Merfa


not the photo, when you are in the list of all the map submissions, on my screen, the submission Red’s House looks dim.


Ok @Sertastic I took your feedback and edited the map, thanks alot for the help, do you have anymore suggestions before you implement the map?

@MarcosRudo1234, do you like the editions?


@Merfa Yup, i like the new red house edition


im not too good with rating items (ser is prolly better with that) so ill give some build things instead

  • you def should try introducing some block variation. its really easy, you can just take a wall that isnt the wall that you used and paint it brown and put it in the hosue at random, it makes it seem alot more varied. it also depends on what ur going for
  • you could try painting your torches with echo paint to hide them, assuming you dont want them. you should then uh put some furniture in the house, its kinda empty.

cool map tho :]


You know what, you’re so right. I was wondering what to do to make the house seem less empty, and you’ve just told me, thank you so much @Solysis!



Thank you so much @Sertastic, I just realized you’re the creator of Mystic Library, and I’m so so so excited that the creator of one of my favourite maps is looking at the first one I’m creating, my mind is blown.


in fact this is one of sertastics first maps that they are reviewing.
also apparently the pings look were updated. interesting…