Phase: got somehow disconnected from discussion "Terraria" where you can read ingame chat

I logged yesterday in on Phase. There I tried to change my profile picture. When I click on the person on the top right corner then on Avatar there is a prompt to uplod an image. When I upload an image, it says “Uploading…” the image won’t appear. That I tried multiple times. I thought that was only for admins but I saw non-admins with custom profile picture

After seeking another way to change my profile picture I saw a minus sign left to the green “online dot” at my user name at the right edge of the screen. I thought, that there would be a menu where you can change your avatar too but when I clicked it I got disconnected from the discussion “Terraria” where you can see the ingame chat.

In the discussion “General Chat” I saw someone asking how to join a discussion (24th June 2021). Because someone needs to (re-)invite me to the discussion I ask if someone could do this.

I learned from my mistake and I will avoid that minus sign on the right edge of the screen next to my user name in future.

Thanks in advance for your help.


I readded you to Terraria :+1:

As for the profile picture, keep waiting for the Uploading… prompt to disappear. When it disappears look on the right side(the users list), if your profile is a broken image, that means it correctly uploaded. Refresh the page after that to view the changes


I got readded but the upload of the image does still not work:

I do following:

  1. click on the person on the top right corner
  2. click on the “Avatar” button on the menu
  3. click on “Choose file”
  4. choose the image (jpg)
  5. click on “Upload image”
  6. the prompt shows “uploading…”
  7. wait until the prompt disappears
  8. result: no “broken image”
  9. after refreshing: no changes of the image

I tried just with a PNG image but it didn’t work either, the results are the same.


How big is the image you’re trying to upload? And can you try a simple 256x256 green square


The 256x256 square worked. I see now why my image doesnt work. It is because it is 1591x1591 pixels. Thank you for the help.

Edit: I shrank the image to 256x256 and it got through.


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