Random PVP!

As a whole, this suggestion is just a little bit misleaded in terms of why it was created and similar - It is entirely down to the playerbase what weapons are used, we cant do anything about it other than buffing or nerfing certain sets of gear. New players gravitate towards what weapons they see others use until they’re comfortable experimenting on their own. Simply put, use other weapons if you want more variety.

Something that was created for other servers I’d like to suggest to Rofle in the future is a randomloadout command specific to PvP.
On old servers like Jupiter which no longer exists, randomloadout would select armor and accessories from a preset list of loadouts, and would COMPLETELY randomize your hotbar obviously given a few preset lists of items that are all functional.
This is how Jupiter encouraged experimentation and having fun with it, but I’m not sure how well it’d work for DG. Regardless, know that this little feature is something I’d like to request in the future, albeit not before duel is finished.
You can close this thread at your own leisure if you think this would be sufficient enough to replace your gamemode suggestion, but leaving it open otherwise is fine.