I failed to get unbanned. Goodbye. I only played the server for a month. I am new to terraria.
Patience is not yours, i see. Waited for ban appeal… 4 days… Ok.
I wish you luck, wherever the future takes you.
Wait. You need patience in your ban appeal. Ban appeals are patience tests.
He deleted every his post
Don’t leave yet, despite your ban appeal getting denied there’s still a chance you can get unbanned, all you need is patience and while you wait, try to go back and reflect on why you got banned it will really help you in your future appeal
yeah, give the mods a reason to unban you
skemor whos been waiting for four months
It takes time though, just spamming it will get me nowhere
ha, four months? i had to wait 9 months :bigflex:
Вы должны быть терпеливы, ожидая одобрения вашей апелляции. Если у вас нет терпения, по сути, существует 100% вероятность отказа в 100% случаев, поэтому лучше проявить терпение к администраторам сервера.
Someone translate this lel
wats that from?
translation: You must be patient while waiting for your appeal to be approved. If you don’t have the patience, there is essentially a 100% chance of failure 100% of the time, so it’s best to be patient with the server admins.
The language is Russian.
Du musst geduldig sein, während Du auf die Zustimmung Deines Entsperrungsantrag wartest. Wenn Du keine Geduld hast, so ist die Ablehnung fast schon zu 100% sicher, deshalb ist es besser, der Serveradministration gegenüber geduldig zu sein.
xd im still banned
sounds like a skill issue
tho seriously, if ur appeals arent getting reviewed, contact staff
I haven’t made an appeal and i don’t plan on making another for a while, the earliest being july or so
hi skemor.
i can send a ban appeal for you skemor
I think im better off handling the appeal myself
Thanks for the help though