well, i just thought id help.
oh hi glasia. :v
Oh Hi, Elias. How are you?
nb, im in class, wby??
I am fine too. But some think, I am still too harshly reporting chat rules.
…Doesn’t your teacher give you trouble if they see you playing on your phone?
actually, middle school bi and most other classes are usually pretty chill. besides, im on a laptop, i can switch tabs at any time
wanna play tictactoe?
lol… me with my ‘good guy’ window and my ‘bad guy window’ be like
whats that mean??
ur windows are like ur ‘sets’ of tabs that are layered
oh lol i didnt think about that
im X’s. you are O’s
your move sir.
yo lol its been 18 days
Rip I might have accidentally flagged this topic -_-
Stupid keyboard sensitivity
(Yes I am on my laptop this time.)
your move sire-
If it’s a school laptop, the tech support can see what you’re up to, some schools may have set it up to where their laptops are connected to the teacher’s school device. If you’re in a classroom with a screen monitor connected to a desktop – chances are your teacher can see it (especially if they have the ability to share her screen with multiple students’ screens),
but that alt + tab and ctrl + tab do be useful hehehe
Chances of me winning or drawing is very likely. I also have the ability to read the future after the second move when it comes to tic-tac-toe. Wanna have a go? create a new topic though…
try not to dual post in a row, and im gonna make a new post so we can play tic tac toe there