Modify Regular requirements (again)

Continuing the discussion from Modify Regular rank requirements on DG forums:
The regular badge is way too easy to get. You can literally get this badge before you get most essential badges.
The likes given/casted should be 100/50. This is due to the high average likes per post on this forum. This is because I have seen people get Regular easily without doing much.

How would this change anything? Liking posts doesn’t demand any notable amount of time or consideration. If you want to fulfill this requirement, you find a post and like replies.

Practically everyone with regular status “doesn’t do much”. When you consider the actual impact of most of the activity on the forums, there isn’t much to consider. The greatest amount of activity is generated by posts that have little to no real value beyond recreational purposes. The ones that do are guides, suggestions/bug reports of genuine significance(which is little of those that come in), and player reports. This, ultimately, means that with or without the changes, the people who get regular are not those who do more, but those who do what they can to fulfill requirements. This doesn’t make it harder, it makes it take a bit longer of doing the same things to achieve.


I meant recieve 100 likes and cast 50 likes (not the other way around)


I still don’t see how that changes much. All it does is encourage posting in topics that don’t have any real significance to the server/community to get likes from others. Rather than making things harder, its once again only making things slightly slower for those who do this already, and relatively much slower for those who conserve their posts for topics that mean something.


Let’s take a look at the trust level below Regular, member.
Most people with the Member badge on this forum usually get this badge between 25 and 150 likes. If you were to get Regular, you would only need to post in ten different topics. Most of the time, you would only have around 40-60 likes. People usually get Regular at around 300 likes or more. If you gave a similar amount, it would normally Grant this badge. The problem with Regular is that you can literally get this badge before you can even get the Thank You badge. Thank You is color-coded in bronze, Regular is in silver.
On Discourse Meta, the Regular badge requirements makes more sense. Less likes per post on average. Here, the likes per post is quite high, at around 4-6, compared to Discourse Meta’s 1-2.5. This is why I would like to modify the Regular Badge’s requirements.


I don’t think you’re getting my point. I dont see how, regardless of likes per post, that likes are relevant to whether or not someone is worthy of regular status. You do not need to like what other people say to contribute to the community. Likewise, other people do not need to like what you say to do so. The only reason posts here get liked as much as they do is because there are a number of people whom like every single post they see. They do this regardless of whether or not they like the post/what was said in it. Rather than this being an issue of “people not doing much”, its an issue of people thinking they aren’t doing much because a lot of the requirements are simply inflated by those who go around satisfying requirements in manners that demand no effort. This is why, once again, this is only going to see an effect for those that reserve their input for something meaningful to them or the server, and not much for those who post on everything, get likes for everything, and like everything.


more people getting regular doesnt mean that the requirements are too low. maybe
-alot more people are active on dg
-people were less active back then

i dont see the use of regular if it only encompasses like 3 people


please don’t, there is no point to this at all. being a regular really does not matter while communicating through the forums, and any person active in the community should have the perks of regular. there is no recognition for discourse roles unless they correspond with the server itself (moderator, map builder)

furthermore, discourse is merely an extension to the small community that exists through the terraria server instead of a properly managed larger scale community

in fact, regular is too easy to lose, as a single silence disables all of these permissions for 6 months, a really long time for a set of perks that pretty much every active member has


I got silenced back in july for general spam