Meaning of the most used tags on the forum

Here the meaning of all tags are described:

Ban Appeals

image Good news, your appeal has been accepted, you have been unbanned. Until the appeal is accepted, you are officially banned and are not allowed by any means to enter the server

image Your appeal has not been accepted, a reason will be posted. Do not turn around and make another appeal, this behaviour may be seen as spam. If the mod says you lost your ability to appeal, then don’t do another ban appeal.

image Your ban appeal has not met the format. Due to the new wizard feature it will almost always mean that your ban link has the incorrect format. To get your ban link, attempt to enter the server. A ban link has the form where the hashtag is your Ban ID

Report a Player :

image An action against the reported player has been done (warn, kick or ban) or it has been decided that the behavior is not actionable

Terraria Server :

image This post is about a trade offer on DTP


image (for PVP) This suggestion suggests changes of the weapon stats

image (for PVP) This is a PVP suggestion that targets on something other than weapon stats

image Here a new gamemode for the gamemodes dimension is suggested

image This is a DTP suggestion

image/image This suggestion has been accepted and will be implemented to the server

image/image It has been decided that your suggestion is not to implement. A reason for the denial will be posted. Do not be discouraged to suggest other things in the future.

image Your suggestion is a duplicate of another suggestion. A link to the original suggestion will be posted

Bug Reports :


image The behavior described in your bug report is an intentional feature in the server

image This bug report is a duplicate or similar to another bug report. A link to the original bug report will be posted

image The bug is most possibly caused by a bug in Terraria’s code itself, so the server devs cannot fix that

image This bug has been seen multiple times but could not be reproduced

image This bug could be reproduced and on a fix is being worked

image The bug has been fixed but the fix has not been deployed onto the server. A dev will write:

This bug has been fixed, though not released yet. Once the fix has been released, a final reply will be posted so that everyone is aware.

image The bug has been fixed and the fix has arrived on the server

Cateory of bug

image This bug has something to do with the Survival TrueSSC (“Anticheat”)

image This bug has something to do with the new 1.4.4 update (note, that due to dots not being able to be in tag names, the number becomes 144)

image This bug has something to do with the survival dimension as a whole

Map Submissions

image This map has not been added mostly due to the map builder being inactive. If due to inactivity the map submission is closed and you want to reactivate it, flag the original post.

image A submission is invalid if it does not follow the Submission Guidelines or has other errors in the format. A reply will be posted on what exactly the issue is

image The zombies map has not been moved from build to zombies

image The zombies map has been moved but is in progress. Firstly via commands the items have to be entered and then it has to be tested.

image If the map has been finished then it will be published by the zombie manager. Any published map that you can at least vote for has its submission tagged as implemented.