I'm Debating If I Should Apply For Moderator

Funny enough, I got mod purely for PvP reasons.
I was Helper back when the PvP Manager was created, and through bothering Rofle excessively about balance changes he gave me access to do it myself.
Fast forward a year or two, when we merged with the r/Terraria server, we moved partially over to the Discord, and when the owner of that server was asking who all should be given mod, I was given Mod as I had ban and kick perms.
I was given said perms because of an old infamous hacker that was around constantly. As I had nothing better to do I had asked ifI could have said perms ONLY to handle this singular person.
Rofle has never commented on it, and I don’t have the Moderator title on the DTP, but here I am with the same rough permissions and powers of a Moderator, almost all of which was purely because I was an active PvPer.

ANYWAYS, regarding moderator on DG, I think if you have to overthink it this hard, you’re better off waiting.
It’s not a big deal, it’s volunteer work. There’s no status quo, no payment, you’re just offloaded a bunch of expectations for behavior and that’s that.
If you’re around all the time finding you’re making reports wishing there were more active staff because you keep running into hackers and people ruining your experience, apply for mod to try and help with that.
If you find you just want staff because it’s a position to look up to or anything even remotely similar to that, or you’re second-guessing because it feels important and like a big deal, I’d advise you put your efforts towards something more important personally.
They say it takes over 10,000 hours to master something. There are 8,760 hours in a year. If you take out 7 hours per day for sleep alone, that leaves you with 6,205 hours.
Another hour for basic human hygiene, another for food, another for exercise and you can quickly see why this number matters.
It will take you almost 2 full years of doing nothing but the ONE skill CONSTANTLY in order to master it, if you live off of this rule of thumb.
In that regard, your time on this planet is limited, so it’s worth using it in ways that you think are going to make the biggest impact on both yourself and those around you.

The only reason I’m still staff to this day is because Terraria PvP is one of the most unique things I’ve experienced in almost any video game, and I wish it had more exposure, so I try to keep it afloat a little bit.
I’ve proven over the years to the staff that I’m relatively trustworthy with staff permissions, so I’ve been given them almost more as a byproduct in-case of emergencies than anything else.
The title itself is very meaningless to me, I try to be modestly respectful and honest in the first place, and that’s USUALLY enough to work for staff, albeit I’ve had some conflict with my awkward approach to information theory.

Last note, this is all rhetorical, so don’t bother quoting and responding to the individual parts of this message kthx


tysm for your advice!
dont worry, i wont quote or reply directly cuz angri blanc is scari blanc


Honestly if this server started hiring 12 year olds than this server is actually desperate
I don’t know you but unless you’re insanely mature, (judging from the texts, it looks like you aren’t) you should not apply for mod.


it’s not ‘hiring’, it’s up to the person to apply. If the person applying is judged responsible and mature enough, they are accepted. Age is barely considered in 99% of cases. Also, it’s actually scientifically proven that children below the age of 14 have a more creative and open-minded outlook on things. I suggest you keep that in mind.

Yes I know. You also specifically stated you don’t know me, so you can’t exactly judge me based on cherry picking from others. If you actually decided to look past my seen-as-strange sense of humor, you would find I’m pretty mature in all aspects but impulsiveness. I do admit I need to work my impulsivness a bit, though.

I’m not going to ‘share my feelings’ or do any of that shit here, but I use that sense of humor to mask a mentally scarred individual. While it’s an astute policy with most normal people, do not judge me by my sense of humor. All i’m saying. If necessary, I can and will drop the ‘mask’ to be deathly serious when I need to. Remember, don’t judge a book by its cover, or by what others say about it.

oh god that got real personal real fast. I’m going to casually slip on that mask now, if you don’t mind. Anyway, n*ga, thank you for your thoughts. I will be applying on my thirteenth birthday because I honestly don’t have anything to lose.


“DG Victor the Legend” became PvE Manager when he was 12. I don’t think it matters that much.


Wow you sound very mature and serious, you really should focus on your studies if you are 12 tho, you won’t regret it later. Don’t mod for some server u don’t get paid for, go study, go outside, make some new friends, maybe find your partner. Find something better to do with ur time. Time is valuable when you are 12


Bruh where’s mine lmfao.

On a more serious note though:

Personally this experience has been quite rewarding for me. I don’t care that I do not get paid, I feel accomplished doing my “job” and just hope I’m making the server a better, more user-friendly place to chill for everyone, regardless of age. I get to be an active member of this community in new ways, and it’s honestly pretty sweet.


my life’s mission is complete. Somebody actually gave me a sincere compliment for once.

“Top Three Things Nate Has Never Done Before”

wow that’s gonna take a while… gotta figure out how to tell my crush I like her without anything ensuing.

this is why I want to be a member of staff. I really enjoyed it in the previous server, so I want to do it here, too.

In all seriousness, I do really appreciate the advice.


There are also voluntary services like soccer training or helping with Ukraine which don’t get paid. Not everyone wants to be on money rush. (More I won’t say else too much political/economical talk).

They are only 12.9 years old. I am 17.7 and won’t rush for partner until I maybe am 20-25.