Hosting Funding

Note: This post has been updated to reflect the most recent information; Date Edited: 6/6/15
This is a notification about the costs required to host the server. Currently we only have enough for July Hosting and no further. For this reason, I would like to ask that if anyone is thinking about, or has any money to donate to the server, that they would do so to show their support. In return, the server stays open, and you get some Credits.

If you would like to know more about Donating, please visit

With Credits you can:

  • Craft any Title (even if it doesn’t exist)
  • Craft any Tag (even if it doesn’t exist)
  • Craft a fixed amount of DP
  • Craft a random amount of DP
  • Craft some Upgrade Points
  • (Suggest anything else)

If you purchase 3 Credits or more, you get Donator Status!
Donator Status permits you to use Alpha Features. Which are only usable amongst Donators, and Administrators. Amongst the upcoming features are Tasks, Weapon Attachments and Region Item Creation (+ management).

You also get (upon request) two complimentary Cmd Items (R11). These Cmd Items are only available for Donators. If you become a Donator, you can choose two (for free).


I wanted to buy some credits, I just hadn’t yet. However, since I now know that the server needs funding, I’ll get on it right away. I’m not sure exactly how much I’ll donate, but I’m thinking probably $10.


It was mainly due to a generous donation a while back by Lilian that allowed us to pay for a few months hosting without worrying anyone about donating. At this point the months have thus passed and the funds have dropped. I really hope 1.3 means Linux Support for Servers, which means hosting itself is going to be a lot cheaper. Right now I’m forced to use a Windows Cloud VPS which is really expensive in comparison to a Linux VPS.

Edit: I added something to the OP that I forgot at the end.


I didn’t know the server was as close as it was to failing as it is. I may have to send some more donations in. It’d be worth it. What you have done here, and the effort you have put into makeing this community is astounding Rofle, keep doing what you’re doing, and hopefully we can raise the money necessary to keep the server alive.


I would love to donate but my parents wouldn’t let me spend anything online .-.


Oh I would donate right away! Just I’m out of money right now… :confused: Will do it when I get some, hopefully soon.

MrSandwich spoke my thoughts. The amount of work you put into this community extraordinary. I consider this server being among the best, thanks to you, Rofle.

ps. Rofle, you could add regular broadcasts to the server chat regarding this matter. Many server users doesn’t have DTP (to see the notice).


[quote=A68PL]ps. Rofle, you could add regular broadcasts to the server chat regarding this matter. Many server users doesn’t have DTP (to see the notice).[/quote]Well I have an auto-broadcast about Leveling up and giving a link to the DTP. When they get there, there is then the Red Alert for them to see.


Just gave $45 worth, but the Credits didn’t come.

Yes, I clicked on the ‘return’ link. This is what popped up-


New Notification
Our Balance currently can only cover July. There is not enough to renew for any further months. Read the OP, since it kind of covers everything else I would say.


if ÂŁ3 could do a difference ill help. also on tuesday i got ÂŁ5 so i can help you out but one Problem, they are all in USD and not ÂŁ so any halp Rofle


There is currency conversion anyway. The total amount needed to support July is +$10. The hosting in total is ~ $30/month.


It is vital that we get the financial support from the players of our server, to ensure the continued survival of our services, developments and community. Even with our staff helping to maintain the integrity of our server, and players contributing to helping out newer players, there is nothing better and more rewarding than a donation that extends our communities running total of 3 years.

You can already get Credits from the DTP to buy DP, UpPoints as well as custom items. And I have promised 2 R11 Cmd items for anyone who as purchased 2 or more Credits. I want to take the rewards further. Something that reflects your donation perfectly.

To purchase Credits go over to the “Credits” Tab/Section on the Trading System.

Note that these Credit Purchases are running totals, starting from 09/06/2015 (9th June). Purchasing 2 Credits, and then another 3 Credits will total at 5 Credits, earning the first reward. These are also time-limited offers; These will not be provided as rewards forever.

If you purchase 5 or more Credits, you will be entered into a prize draw with a chance to win one of the following prizes:
[li]Your own personal non-PvP and PvP Guardian that will fight mobs and players, wear whatever you want it to, have optimized and tweaked values of damage, health, speed, weapons and aim. As well as the ability to tell it to guard someone else and a specific position, for as long as you want (given the server doesn’t restart or the person leave)[/li]
[li]Your own personalised and customised PvP (and PvE) Ability within the constraints of balance and actual Abilities (not Bots) concepts. You will be the only one who will be granted this Ability, unless you wish to share it.[/li]
[li]Be the first person to obtain a Weapon Attachment, which will be unique for your chosen weapon. This can include a variety of enhancements within balance and limitations.[/li]

If you purchase 8 or more Credits, 2 Title’s and 2 Tag’s will be produced of your name (or including it, like [Rofle’s Angel]), that will be available to purchase and will be filtered around the system for as long as the system exists. Meaning that your name and presence lives in the Trading System, and maybe even in someones chat :wink:

If you purchase 10 or more Credits, a Seeker, Guardian and Protector will have the chance of spawning with your Name and look. Meaning that copies of you will be fighting for glory to serve their master or a Faction.

If your purchase 15 or more Credits, a statue or similar structure will be built and will have a permanent residence in the V5 Spawn, along with a sign denoting your Character Name (you can choose this), an appropriate message, your donation amount and the date. By extending the lifetime of the server, you are allowing your statue to be around for longer. It may be possible to even choose where your statue will go. This persists regardless of world resets given that V5 is used as the spawn.

If you purchase 30 or more Credits, a limited size structure will be permitted to be built by you and any one else you trust, that will become part of the V5 Spawn. This means that it persists across world resets, and you can edit it whenever you want, given that V5 is used as the spawn after the world reset.

If you purchase 50 or more Credits, we’ll have to have a discussion about what else to give you.

Whatever the reward for you Donation, know that you are extending the life of Dark Gaming and making the social interactions of the community and new members possible. Where would you be if we had closed before you first joined?


i got 8 creds but when will i get the guardian and the R11 commands? also i lost 4 and i dont know how can you tell me please?


You lost 4 credits? Or you didn’t get the full 8 Credits?
Also, the winners of the prizes for the 5 Cred and more are selected when the whole reward thing is closed. But depending on how many people actually donate, you may be guaranteed a prize if there is only 3 people. You also need to notify me what 2 Titles and 2 Tags you want put into the system (the idea is they include your name of somesort), as well as what Rarities they should be.

Also, thanks to your donation the server is now guaranteed to persist through August. As a thank you, during the month of August, a notification will display telling everyone that you completed the funding for the month. A statue of you will also be put near the spawn point during August.


no i got the full credits but i went to the upgrade place, then went to the Craft and tryed to Craft a set but nothing happend so i dont know if i used then or if it gliched


It wouldn’t have taken any Credits. What is your Cred Balance suppose to read?


it should be 8.75 but it went to 4.75


hi i bought 50 credit what can i do with it and what do i get ? please let me know more detail tq ^^


With Credits you can:

  • Craft any Title (even if it doesn’t exist)
  • Craft any Tag (even if it doesn’t exist)
  • Craft a fixed amount of DP
  • Craft a random amount of DP
  • Craft some Upgrade Points

Please refer to as well btbc1984. I believe you are also @Barry@ in-game?