Hell storage is one of my first maps, and it was kinda forgotten for a long time. Generally, it has one class (only one, even not try finding other) and a bit of variety of modded weapons. Simple map, but also kinda cheesy. I honestly even cant choose what ability go with it - only some generic like coward or wish can help.
It has 1 class, with 2 weapon chests - one for melee, one for sumonner. No mana chests. One hp chest with the cheapest hp in the whole gamemode - 20hp for 2000. Some buffs, including summoner ones, 3 accs chests and one mount chest.
It has hellstone brick cave, dont go inside unless you know how to move there. In beginning of that there is a ankh shield chest. Cave rewards you with imp staff chest and in r4+ you should go there because of flying mobs, that just stuck
2 secret switches are responding for some lights, better to not touch them.