Groesten Haus

Groesten Haus

#1 Location of Map

3531, 664 to 3658, 720

#2 Builders


#3 Unverified Rating


#4 Ownership


I permit someone else to take over ownership of my map for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.


I permit unauthorised edits by administrators/managers.


I permit administrators/managers to take over my map if I become inactive or unavailable.

#5 Breakdown

Spawn: 3597, 702

Mob Spawns: 3645, 702 and 3543, 702 (Left and Right sides of the map)

Only class of the map: Holdout
Chest location: 3594, 702
Type: Ranged


Name Location Description
Weapon Chest 1 3611, 694 Accessories
Weapon Chest 2 3610, 702 Shotguns
Weapon Chest 3 3589, 694 Wonder Weapons
Armor Chest 3570, 694
HP Chest 3569, 702

HP Chest
Location: 3569, 702
Contents: +100 HP
Cost: 7500

Holdout (3594, 702)
Starting Items: Gravedigger’s Shovel, Endless Musket Pouch
Vanity: Parka Hood, Parka Coat, Sailor Pants

Weapon Chest 1:

Tier Accessory Cost Modifications
S Gravedigger’s Shovel 0 -p Massive
S Endless Musket Pouch 0
1 Ranger Emblem 3000 -p Menacing
2 Worm Scarf 5000 -p Menacing
3 Frozen Shield 15000 -p Menacing
4 Master Ninja Gear 30000 -p Menacing
5 Spore Sac 40000 -p Menacing

Weapon Chest 2:

Tier Weapon Cost Modifications
0 Boomstick 1000 -p Unreal
1 Quad-Barrel Shotgun 5000 -p Unreal
2 Shotgun 10000 -p Unreal
3 Tactical Shotgun 20000 -p Unreal
4 Xenopopper 30000 -p Unreal

Weapon Chest 3:

Tier Weapon Cost Modifications
0 Phoenix Blaster 10000 -p Unreal
1 Onyx Blaster 15000 -p Unreal
2 Flamethrower 20000 -p Unreal
2 Gel (9999) 0
3 Venus Magnum 15000 -p Unreal
4 Electrosphere Launcher 30000 -p Unreal
4 Mini Nuke I (9999) 0
5 Piranha Gun 20000 -p Unreal
6 Super Star Shooter 50000 -p Unreal
6 Fallen Star (9999) 0
7 Celebration Mk2 150000 -p Unreal
7 Mini Nuke I (9999) 0
7 Mini Nuke I (9999) 0
7 Mini Nuke I (9999) 0
7 Mini Nuke I (9999) 0
7 Ammo Reservation Potion (9999) 0

Armor Chest:

Tier Armor Cost
S Parka Hood 0
S Parka Coat 0
S Sailor Pants 0
1 Fossil Helmet 1000
1 Fossil Plate 0
1 Fossil Greaves 0
2 Necro Helmet 5000
2 Necro Breastplate 0
2 Necro Greaves 0
3 Palladium Helmet 7000
3 Palladium Breastplate 0
3 Palladium Leggings 0
4 Frost Helmet 25000
4 Red Riding Dress 0
4 Orichalcum Leggings 0
5 Shroomite Mask 30000
5 Shroomite Breastplate 0
5 Shroomite Leggings 0
6 Vortex Helmet 90000
6 Vortex Breastplate 0
6 Vortex Leggings 0

#6 Images

UPDATE: Changed map location to from 3531, 664 to 3658, 720
Made some slight changes to the build and added extra snow blocks on the bottom. Now looks like this:

The sky blue chest is not an accessory chest, it’s a weapon chest that sells accessories. Geolindrag on Discord said I could do this


Could you move this truck a bit to the left or remove/actuate some leaf blocks? This gap is a bit too tiny and some mobs will be stuck inside there

Also I apologise, but while checking your map I accidentally swung my Zenith instead of Rod of Harmony and destroyed the cobwebs so you are gonna have to readd them, sorry about that.

Let me know once you’ve updated the map and I’ll get to moving it into zombies dimension


I moved the tree to the right and added a chest under it, this is an ammo chest.
The contents are:
Mini Nuke I (9999)
Gel (9999)
Fallen Star (9999)
Hunter Potion (9999)
(And whatever ammo that an Endless Quiver or Endless Musket Pouch can’t cover)
The cost is 1000 points


The map has been moved in the zombies dimension. I’ve also added you to the map builder group, check the posts there regarding info on how to set up your map.
If your map builder perms don’t work, ping Durtle