Due to the nature of this kind of suggestion, I’ve updated the About the Suggestions category topic to include “Complex suggestions”. As the suggestion is too vague to be worked on.
This is considered a Stage 0 proposal. Given the vote count we can be sure people want this feature, but not yet how it will work. Refer to the updated About the Suggestions category for information about Stage 1. One or more people will need to write a Stage 1 proposal to further this.
Here’s a few questions to answer in stage 1:
How it will interact with Events like Halloween and Christmas.
How map makers will use the system.
How the waves are designed and thus in what different ways map makers will be able to configure/change waves.
How waves work in rounds past those that have been defined.
It is best to describe the system as though you are describing one that already exists, to someone that has never used, seen or heard about it before. So make sure to include all necessary details and leave as little to the imagination as possible.