Banned for journey mode

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: Ban

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
No, i was thinking u can join with a journey character in the survival mode.

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
I think is fair if u know u cant join with journey mode and u try it but i dont know that information.

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
Because i love playing survival and i think i commit a stupid acction joining to survival in that gamemode, i join to survival to only check the gamemode but i dont know u cant join in journey mode.

Sorry for the problems and thanks for the attention.


You need to follow the format. Ban IDs are positive integers. Try to reenter the server to get the ban link.
Do not post a new appeal; edit your existing one. Post a reply here once you have made the corrections.


Thanks for the information, im new on this forum, i already edit it.


Will you be careful in future to check if the character you try to join the server with has journey mode?
In this server you should use a normal softcore character (non-journey), otherwise problems arise…


I understood and thanks for your attention, i apreciate that.


Finally if i get unban, i would like to know it, if u advise me I would appreciate it


Can you read the rules and quote the rule(s) you broke? Do this in a new reply, don’t edit your appeal. If you do not know how to quote the rules, read the guide How to quote the rules.

If you do not identify the right rule(s) that you broke or you do not know which ones you broke, I can make it clear.


Here is the rule i broke

  1. Do you understand why what you did broke the rules stated?

  2. Do you understand how you can avoid breaking them again?

  3. Do you agree that you will not break the same rules in the future?

  4. Do you understand that if in the future you break any of the rules that you were banned for already, that you will not be able to appeal again (unless the ban was a mistake or due to extenuating circumstances)?

  • Do you understand why what you did broke the rules stated?
    Yes, i understood that u cant use this type of players in this server, I dont know what i was thinking joining in a no-journey world with a journey player.

  • Do you understand how you can avoid breaking them again?
    Yes, I understand that you can’t join with these types of players and I promise not do it again,was stupid to try it.

  • Do you agree that you will not break the same rules in the future?
    Yes i agreed, It would be foolish to do it again, which is why I’m retracting my actions.

  • Do you understand that if in the future you break any of the rules that you were banned for already, that you will not be able to appeal again (unless the ban was a mistake or due to extenuating circumstances)?
    Yes, as I mentioned before these mistakes will not happen again on my part, it’s a fair punishment if it happens again as I wouldn’t like those actions either.

I hope I wasn’t too much trouble.
Sorry for my poor choice of words.
Finally, thanks for all of your patience and attention, have a great day.


This appeal has been accepted. Your ban has been lifted.