Anarchy in survival - WTF

I also agree that breaking more important irl things for gaming is not good and enforcing that is not OK.

I knew and understood that when trying to get approval for my first zombies map by Tru3thful to whom I had an 8 hour difference. I was patiently waiting the weekends and also asking if that would be possible to test when I am not there. Also I understood that the map test times were for Geolindrag at 2 or 10 AM and they could not get there.

There can happen anything irl that turns around the schedule, e. g. doctor appointments, emergencies, sudden cancelling/adding of school/uni lessons/work hours. For example, on a Thursday I am ingame mostly at 7-9 PM UTC and on Phase most often at 6 AM UTC, sometimes in the school breaks. But if a lesson cancels it can change because I am not a bot. The only ‘mod’ that can be on 24/7 is the system banning people who try to enter an IP.

I find that that is good that no one can expect me to drop irl activities for a zombie map test, pvp contest etc. pp. and that is one of the signs of a good server.

This I learned in September where I tried to enforce “no spam, no caps, …”.Glasia violating Community #4), I don’t want to be too arrogant here, as that that is a negative thing I experienced.

I think the anti cheat / Survival True SSC system was created in August because of many reports of game-breaking item hacks.

This phrase is for people who have too little patience for waiting for ban appeals been looked at, or password resets.


I agree with Russ - the main solution to this is to have more staff. The Penguin Games server has three or four times the number of staff DG has, (and to be honest, a lot of their staff are also inactive/aren’t fanatics) but they still constantly cycle through staff, with people joining and leaving practically every month. I actually applied for staff myself, but I don’t think I deserve to hold it anymore since I haven’t been helping others a lot and I became much more inactive. I think the main thing here is a hacker(or exploit abuser) problem, not solely the fault of the staff.