An Explanation of Standing Points (Second Part to Terraria Housing Mechanics)

Read my earlier post to find my question about Housing Mechanics.

If you look on the Official Terraria Wiki page for NPC Housing, there is a link to a Reddit post by the Redditor Bee_pH. Recently, about 2 weeks ago, he published a post describing his theory of standing points.

With this theory, he presented an answer to this question: what exactly constitutes an NPC standing point?

This is his definition: “a solid block with a 1x3 space above it which contains no other solid blocks or platforms and which is adjacent to neither any solid blocks nor any 1x3 column of platforms”

He also notes that each standing point has 16 tiles in consideration which are marked by the bubbles in this image:

r/Terraria - A Theory Of Valid Housing (Standing Points)

Now here is his theory: “when the standing point is only 3 blocks tall, the sum of the number of blocks within these sixteen tiles with thrice the number of furniture tiles within the empty space of the standing point must not exceed the number of furniture tiles within these plus six”

This theory can be simplified:

If there are no blocks or platforms in the 1x3 space above a standing point, use B + 3OF + 6

  • Block Tile (blocks or platforms within the 16 tiles marked by the bubbles in the picture above)
  • Obstruction Tile (furniture tiles in the 1x3 space above the standing point)
  • Furniture Tile (furniture tiles within the 16 tiles marked by the bubbles in the picture above)


7 + 3(0) > 0 + 6; invalid
r/Terraria - A Theory Of Valid Housing (Standing Points)

10 + 3(0) = 4 + 6; valid
r/Terraria - A Theory Of Valid Housing (Standing Points)

9 + 3(1) > 5 + 6; invalid
r/Terraria - A Theory Of Valid Housing (Standing Points)

9 + 3(1) = 6 + 6; valid
r/Terraria - A Theory Of Valid Housing (Standing Points)


  • If there are blocks or platforms in the 4th tile on top of the 1x3 tiles above a standing point block, use B + 3OF + 6; or, use B + 3OF + 9 and count the presence of blocks or platforms in the 4th tile as +1 obstructing furniture tiles.

  • If there are no blocks or platforms in the 4th tile on top of the 1x3 tiles above a standing point block, use B + 3OF + 9; or, use B + 3OF + 6 and count the lack of blocks or platforms in the 4th tile as -1 obstructing furniture tiles.

Note: I basically copied most of Bee_pH’s post, so please check it out and upvote it, he deserves more credit for conceptualizing this theory.


This is quite insane, as well as I still don’t fully understand it but I get its concept. That person must have spent quite much time into it. This is amazing.


Honestly, I have no clue how the hell he even figured this out too.
It must’ve taken a while.