Zombies Update v1.26.1

Zombies Update v1.26
This is a small update aimed at adding some missing pieces required by map builders.

  • fix: Update /lobby sway and /lobby arena to stop the lobby from being killed on maps with a lot of content (@popstarfreas)
  • Add mappings to allow minecart buffs (@Tejdxa )
  • Add support for buffs provided by frozen shield, hero shield and sweetheart necklace (@Tejdxa )
  • Add error message for users who try to use sway that do not have permission (@HarmfulCrane)

If other things come up, we might do another small release again. However the plan for v1.27 is the same as what was planned for v1.26 originally.
Economy is enabled in Zombies. Economic balancing of maps is planned for v1.28, until then the economy is as it was before.

Zombies Update v1.26.1

  • fix: /lobby sway can now select maps not in the pool
  • fix: /lobby sway and /lobby arena will tell you when something went wrong rather than seemingly loading forever

As we round out some of the bigger issues, we are moving closer to beginning the roadmap for supporter features. There will then be a period of time where updates will be targeting our new supporter rewards list.