Zombies revive mechanic unfair?

In the zombies game mode if I don’t revive someone at the end of the round I lose all my points, I don’t see this happening to anyone else in the lobby, just me. When this happens it usually says “you have lost <# of points> for failing to revive your teammates” or something like that.

What is the way to counteract this or how do I solve this because there are events where reviving before the end of the round is impossible this is super annoying especially in late game when one dumbass teammate decides to leave the group on round 12 and gets destroyed by sand elementals trying to get some stupid upgrade, and once I try to get him someone kills the last enemy when he’s 75% revived then the round ends and I lose 200k points I saved.

This is my first post so tell me if I put it in the wrong area.


Originally, only the player who dealt the last hit lost all their points which were given to the unrevived player. Now as far as I’ve observed from playing, everyone loses some with the player who dealt the last hit still losing everything, which is then given to the unrevived player.

I don’t think that’s how it works? At least in my experience, if the round ends while you’re actively reviving someone, they’re revived immediately as the round ends and no penalty is incurred. Where’s this 75% revived, are you 75% of the way to reaching the dead player or was there an update I missed and haven’t noticed?


Thank you for the explanation. I never realized that it was the last hit of an enemy because I usually go for a summoner class and don’t realize they give the final hit. And for the “75% revived” I mean the timer on the on the revive like how it goes 25%, 50%, 75%…


i am not reading this entire thing, i am not at home and have limited cellular data
The way this works is that if there is a dead person and round ends, everyone loses like 10% of score, except person who killed last enemy, who loses 100%. If person who is dead is getting revived when last enemy killed, no score is actually taken


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