Zombies Mapmaking Questions

Q1: I modified all my modded items by running the /zchest moditem command several times to stack all the desired effects I wanted.

For example: To make a Venom Bullet do both 24 dmg and shoot projectile ID 294, I ran these two commands in succession (with the chest selected, ofc):

  1. /zchest moditem "Venom Bullet" Astronaut 7 2 24
  2. /zchest moditem "Venom Bullet" Astronaut 7 6 294

My question here is that since I did the modifications using 2 seperate commands, was the first modification overwritten or was the extra modifications just written atop the already existing one?

Q2: How do you add starter gear to type 3 (class) chests? On the tutorial for mapmaking, there is no mention as to how to add items to type 3 chests. My best guess is that you add a 0 cost tier 0 item, but I need confirmation on that.


Yeah, its stacked, otherwise, would be impossible to make items like copper shortssword with proyectiles (Needing Speed proyectile and ID proyectile)

For example, if you want that a Sword as a starting weapon, In a weapon chest Add it as price 0 and tier 0,don’t add it at the class chest(It will won’t allow you) Same aplies for armor, accesories ETC…


the copper shortsword is already a projectile weapon and has a velocity, just a low one


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