Zombies Managers Having More Control

Right now, stuff in zombies takes long to apply simply because there is usually no one to apply it. Zombies Managers should have permissions to add/change DP multipliers for maps, give Zombies Map Builder permissions, and, if it doesn’t make them too overpowered, allow them to change how you would get certain abilities. Since Zombies Managers play Zombies a lot unlike the current zombies managers, they would probably have played most of the maps so they would know what DP multipliers to add to them, and what abilities seem to OP for how they are gotten. It would allow zombies to be much more balanced much more quickly, and it would speed up the time for Zombies Map Builders to get the permissions needed. Cough cough a month of waiting cough cough

Command List

Giving the permissions is normal.


When a map is made, its multiplier is always set to 0, which I’m pretty sure already happens.

/zmapmulti [map name] [multiplier type, either xp or dp] [multiplier]


/zability [ability name] [modification type] [value]
Mod types include

  • Round
  • Group of People
  • Score Increase

I second this in both ways! The pros of this would be to level up faster and to help out others. The cons of this is that it can be taken advantage of if a specific map has a higher DP output than the others, making it a farm.


Then the ZM would decrease the DP multiplier for that map.


Or, to prevent farming, you must have a lobby with others and whoever is the highest earner gets a very tiny DP multiplier but it doesn’t work in a lobby by yourself or private lobbies to prevent an exploit


Farming won’t be a problem if the DP multiplier is small enough to support the low effort. Basically, the more effort needed to get far, the higher the DP multiplier should be.

Edit :


Precisely what I was saying.
So I vote for this!


What I was saying so I can get that cleared up a bit; The player who contributes the most would gain a slightly higher DP gain than the others showing that hard work pays off and showing others that being lazy doesn’t do much for you


I think that should be another suggestion, but out of curiosity, how would it work? How would the game detect which player is putting in low effort, and how would it reward them with less DP?

Also now that I think about it it would be pretty bad because, well, the person who knows advanced strategies gets rewarded less???


The way how it would work is that the game will detect who has killed the most zombies and/or has the highest points total. Total as in overall points even if they bought something. Whoever kills the least amount and/or has the lowest points wont gain as much as others. It’s basically being the MVP. If one player is doing all the work and the others aren’t doing anything, the one doing the work gains the most. If everyone is doing the work equally, they all gain a small bonus in DP.

Alright, to test, do all maps have the same DP gain/multiplier currently? (Such as your map, Cryptic Castle)


Before any further discussion, you should probably make this a new suggestion.


I do not second this. I’d rather let Rofle handle the economy stuff rather than me/the future zombies managers. Although zombies managers can nudge a map’s multiplier one way.

This is another part of the economy. Refer to the above paragraph

At the moment, this should be made towards the devs instead of zombies managers