So a couple of days ago, while making my own map submission, I made a tool in google sheets to help speed up the process by autoformatting items in zchest commands, making adding items to chest as simple as copy-pasting. This post will guide you through using it and its features.
^ no the sheet is not private, idk why it says that
Getting started
This is meant to be used on a computer, I do not recommend using this on a phone.
- Make a copy of the sheet by clicking (top left)file > make a copy.
- You’re ready to start!
I strongly recommend using 2 monitors, however, 1 monitor is perfectly fine. Use keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab to navigate between Terraria and the spreadsheet, Ctrl+C to copy from the spreadsheet, and Ctrl+V to paste into Terraria. Make sure to put Terraria in windowed mode to avoid lag from moving from a full screen application to a browser.
Tabs are located at the bottom of the window and have several other tools.
When typing a number in google sheets, keep in mind the values do not update until you hit enter. Places for you to put values will usually be highlighted in yellow, with the speed adder and submission table to commands being exceptions(due to them needing full tables).
There are 2 tools on this page. The left side converts a singular sitem command into a zchest command. The right side generates zchest modifiers, as well as a sitem command. Both tools share the Class name, Cost, and Tier inputs.
Yellow fields indicate input. In order to use zchest commands on either side, input your class’ name, the tier the item will be, and how much it will cost on the top left side.
Sitem command to Zchest(left side)
For the left side, paste your sitem command. If you only have modifiers like -d 5 -ss 2, add
-i “weapon name”
Make sure to include quotes, unless you’re using an item ID(works either way, doesn’t matter)
Sitems(right side)
For the right side, several boxes are given to play around with. Simply change values within the yellow boxes. If the dropdown gives an error, feel free to ignore it. A usable sitem command will be generated in the purple box.
Dropdowns are available for the right side, and allow common colors, projectile ID’s, prefix ID’s, and Ammo ID’s to be selected easily. Items are also supported, but are not implemented due to their excessive size(it causes heavy lag). Both sides include a delitem command for removal of an item.
Vanilla Items Search
If you have unmodded items, such as armors, accessories, potions, weapons, or vanity, this is where you should go
On the left is where you will put in your class, tier, and price of item. Under each “something” search, there is a yellow box. Entering words will filter to words that contain them. For example, entering “Angler” will return the Angler set in armor search.
Armors and vanity will always default the first piece to that price and the rest 0. Accessories, weapons/tools, and potions will all use the price given. Potions have and additional column to input quantities over one.
Random Sitem Generator
Simply input a shoot speed, use animation, and use time value. These are mostly just placeholders as this generator is meant to allow you to explore different projectile ID’s and weapon combinations. Click the big yellow button when you want to randomize the weapons.
Pretty simple to use, but at least allows filtering by weapon class. I also tried my best to filter out useless/explosive/hostile projectiles ID’s…
Speed adder
Useful for adding the entirety of a chest at once.
It’s very important to follow the format here, as a deviation from format can cause an error that can be hard to locate. To use this tool, write/paste the tier, item, price, and modification on the items(you can copy items from your map submissions on forums). Make sure to include the Classes too.
In an attempt to help ease format restrictions a little, -amt can be represented by (amt) or “x amt” in the item column. Prices also support commas if needed. All the commands for adding the items are listed on the left. The speed adder can support up to 250 items at once.
Submission table to commands
A slower version of the speed adder, but allows more controlled editing.
Input tier, item, price, and modifiers at the bottom right, similar to the speed adder. Only 1 class can be done at a time in this page, and the tier is selected at the top left.
Only supports (amt) or -amt right now, but more formats will be made.
The following sections are work in progress
Price Estimator
Input the number of players, your weapon’s crit chance and damage, and the number of spawns in the map. This should provide you a rough estimate.
Includes round bonuses, total score within the lobby, and will eventually account for debuff damage.
Planned tools
Submission formatter
Auto create tables for chests
Automatically create dropdowns by class
Price graph
Estimate progression given # of people, spawns, etc, but factor in upgrades
Zchest screenshot to submission table
Input sequence
When copy and pasting from the google sheets to terraria, the button presses will look like the following:
- click on terraria, then on the google sheets
- click on cell containing what you want
- ctrl+c
- alt+tab
- enter
- ctrl+v
- enter
- alt+tab
- arrow down
- repeat from step 3
This is relatively new, expect there to be bugs.
Please tell me if you find one, anyone should be able to leave comments for me on the shared spreadsheet, or ping me on discord.