White Light

White Light

#1 Location of Map

Pos = (2847,1933)

#2 Builders

So de teste

#3 Unverified Rating


#4 Ownership


I permit someone else to take over ownership of my map for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.


I permit unauthorized edits by administrators/managers.


I permit administrators/managers to take over my map if I become inactive or unavailable.

#5 Breakdown

players spawn
Pos = (2847,1933)

Zombies spawn
Pos = (2906,1938)
Pos = (2805,1930)
Pos = (2808,1895)

Life chest
Pos = (2897,1939)

Cust = 1500

Life = 20

Mana chest
Pos = (2900,1939)

Cust = 100

Mana = 10

Class Chests

“Light of the night” Mage = Pos (2845,1935)
“Light of the day” Summoner = Pos (2849,1935)
“Shadow of the universe” Melee = Pos (2793,1879)

Light of the night

unicorn Mask
unicorn Shirt
unicorn Pants
4 Wisp dye
Wisp in a bottle
Critter Shampoo
Wand of Sparking modifier -s 85 -ua 20 -d 2

Light of the day

Star Princess Crown
Star Princess Dress
4 Wisp dye
Wisp in a bottle
Criter Shampoo
Finch Staff modifier
-d 5

Shadow of the universe

Reaper hood
Reaper robe
4 Shadow dye
1 wisp in a bottle
Critter Shampoo
Enchanted sword modifier
-d 1 -ut 5

Chest 1
Pos = (2896,1881)

Light of the night
Armas Cliente Mod Clique
Space gun 1000 -d 5 -ut 5 1
Rainbow Rod 9000 -d 5 -ut 5 2
Last prism 12000 -d 20 3
Nightglow 20000 -d 30 4
Spirit flame 30000 -d 40 -ut 1 5
flame slash 40000 -d 50 -ut 1 6
Resonance sct 45555 -d 100 -ut 5 7
Last prism 55000 -d 300 8
Charged Blaster Canon 1 -d 300 9
Light of the day
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Rainbow Crystal Staff 1000 -d 5 1
Rainbow Crystal Staff 3000 -d 10 2
Rainbow Crystal Staff 8000 -d 20 3
Rainbow Crystal Staff 10000 -d 30 4
Rainbow Crystal Staff 25000 -d 45 5
Rainbow Crystal Staff 28000 -d 50 6
Rainbow Crystal Staff 30000 -d 100 7
Rainbow Crystal Staff 40000 -d 140 8
Rainbow Crystal Staff 50000 -d 150 9
Rainbow Crystal Staff 60000 -d 250 10
Shadow of the universe
Wepons Cust Mod Click
Vampire knives 50 -d 1 -s 1 1
Copper shortsword 190 -d 1 -s 250 2
Vampire knives 290 -d 3 -s 2 3
Vampire knives 1900 -d 10 -s 85 -ss 5 -sc 3,1 -ut 30 4
Vampire knives 5900 -d 20 -s 103 -ut 50 -ss 10 -sc 10 5
Vampire knives 10000 -d 25 -s 5 6
Copper shortsword 39000 -d 50 -s 79 -ut 5 7
Vampire knives 39333 -d 75 -s 242 8
Vampire knives 49555 -d 150 -s 636 9
Vampire knives 59000 -d 300 -s 638 -ut 5 10

Chest 2
Pos = (2896,1881)

Light of the nigth
Armas Cliente Modificação Clique
Water bolt 2000 -d 15 -ut 5 1
Book of Skulls 3000 -d 20 2
Demon Scythe 8000 -d 30 3
Golden Shower 10000 -d 40 4
Crystal Storm 10000 -d 50 5
Cursed Flames 20000 -d 120 6
Magnet Sphere 35550 -d 150 -ss 10 7
Lunar flare 45555 -d 250 -ut 10 8
Razorblade Typhoon 57000 -d 500 -ut 10 -ss 5 9
Light of the day
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Slime staff 3000 -d 10 1
Flinx Staff 7000 -d 20 2
Vampire frog Staff 12000 -d 30 3
Imp Staff 15000 -d 40 4
Spider Staff 22000 -d 50 5
Optic Staff 28000 -d 55 6
Xeno Staff 30000 -d 100 7
Sanguine Staff 45000 -d 150 8
Raven Staff 49999 -d 200 9
Terraprisma 55000 -d 250 10
Terraprisma 67777 -d 300 11
Shadow of the universe
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Mace 500 -d 5 1
Flaming Mace 1000 -d 10 2
Ball O’Hurt 5000 -d 20 3
The Meatball 8000 -d 30 4
Blue Moon 12000 -d 35 5
Sunfury 23000 -d 45 6
Dao of Pow 33000 -d 75 7
Drippler Clipper 33000 -d 85 8
Flairon 44000 -d 90 9
Solar Eruption 44000 -d 120 10

Chest 3
Pos = (2802,1903)

Light of the nigth
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Vilethorn 1 -d 1 -ut 1 -sc 5 1
Light of the day
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Blade Staff 1 -d 1 1
Shadow of the universe
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Starlight 1 -d 1 -ut 1-sc 2 -c 00000 1

Chest 4
Pos = (2889,1938)

Light of the nigth
Weapons Cust Mod click
emerald staff 1000 -s 503 -ut 20 -ua 70 -d 5 -sc 10 1
Aqua scepter 5000 -s 34 -ua 40 -d 5 -sc 10 2
Heat Ray 8000 -s 79 -ua 30 -d 30 3
Vilethorn 12000 -s 150 -ua 50 -d 30 -sc 10 4
Resonance scepter 12000 -d 50 -ua 5 -s 803 -sc 10 -c 000000 5
laser rifle 21000 -ua 1 -s 521 -ut 1 -sc 6 -ss 40 -d 80 6
Light of the day
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Leather whip 1000 -d 10 1
Snapthorn 3000 -d 20 2
Spinal tap 8000 -d 25 3
Firecracker 12000 -d 30 4
Cool Whip 15000 -d 35 5
Durendal 24000 -d 45 6
Dark Harvest 30000 -d 100 7
Morning Star 40000 -d 150 8
Kaleidoscope 59888 -d 200 9
Shadow of the universe
Weapons Cust Mod Click
Mandible blade 150 -d 3 1
Ice Blade 350 -d 5 2
Influx waver 2000 -d 10 -ut 15 3
Light’s bane 2555 -d 13 4
Starfury 3555 -d 15 -ut 5 5
Night’s Edge 6666 -d 30 6
Frostbrand 9999 -d 45 -ut 1 7
Excalibur 10000 -d 125 8
True Excalibur 30000 -d 150 9
The Horseman’s Blade 45000 -d 125 10
True Night’s Edge 44000 -d 110 11
Terra blade 50000 -d 155 12
Influx waver 50000 -d 155 -ut 5 -s 10 13
Star Whath 27000 -d 100 14
Meowmere 69000 -d 300 15
Meowmere 66666 -d 350 -ut 5 16
Zenith 49999 -d 300 17
Zenith 80000 -d 600 18
Zenith 100000 -d 700 19

Acc chests

Light of the nigth
ChestPos Acc Items Cust
1(2886,1895) Mana cloak 8000
2(2844,1902) Mana regeneration band 7500
3(2791,1894) Ankh Shield 8000
4(2796,1936) Nebula Mantle 10000
Light of the day
ChestPos Items Cust
1(2886,1895) Necromantic Scroll 5000
2(2844,1902) Papyrus Scarab 5000
3(2791,1894) Ankh Shield 4000
4(2796,1936) Stardust wing 13000
Shadow of the universe
Chestpos Items Cust
1 (2886,1895) Celestial Shell 10000
2 (2844,1902) Ankh Shield 12222
3 (2791,1894) Berserker’s Glove 5000
4 (2796,1936) Solar Wing 14000

Ammo chest
Pos = (2900,1913)

Light of the nigth
potions Amount Cust
Mana regeneration potion 3 2000
Magic power Potion 4 4000
Super mana potion 10 2000
Total cust=8000
Light of the day
Potions Amount Cust
Lifeforce potion 2 2000
Summoning potion 3 4000
Flask of ichor 1 2000
Total cust=8000
Shadow of the universe
Potions Amount Cust
Lifeforce potion 2 2000
inferno potion 2 2000
Flask of ichor 1 4000
Total cust=8000

Armor chest
Pos = (2888,1881)

Light of the nigth
Click Armor Cust
1 magic hat Rich mahogany breastplate Jungle pants 1000
2 Jungle hat Diamond Robe Jungle pants 3000
3 Mythril hood Cobalt breastplate Cobalt leggings 8888
4 Titanium headgear Titanium breastplate Titanium leggings 15000
5 Hallowed headgear Hallowed Plate Mail Hallowed Greaves 20000
6 Spectre Mask Spectre robe Spectre pants 50555
7 Nebula Helmet Nebula breastplate Nebula leggings 70777
Light of the day
Click Armor Cust
1 Gold Helmet Gold chaimail Gold Greaves 5000
2 Bee headgear Bee breastplate Bee Greaves 10000
3 Forbidden Mask Forbidden Robes Forbidden Treads 22000
4 Spider mask Spider breastplate Spider Greaves 44000
5 Hallowed hood Hallowed Plate Mail Hollowed Greaves 65000
6 Spooky Helmet Spooky breastplate Spooky leggings 70000
7 Stardust helmet Stardust plate Stardust leggigs 88888
Shadow of the universe
Click Armor Cust
1 Gold Helmet Gold chaimail Gold Greaves 4440
2 Shadow Helmet Shadow Scalemail Shadow Greaves 5666
3 Molten Helmet Molten breastplate Molten Greaves 12000
4 Titanium Mask Titanium breastplate Titanium leggings 22000
5 Turtle Helmet Turtle Scale mail Turtle leggings 35000
6 Bettle Helmet Bettle Scale mail Bettle leggings 46660
7 Solar Flare Helmet Solar Flare breastplate Solar Flare leggings 89999

#6 imagens



black color/tombstones = Zombies Spawn
dark blue = Classes
Red = Player Spawn

honorable mentions

The person who took the photo had poor quality, leaving the map with questionable quality, but if we see the map in its own dimensions we can appreciate the map better.

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You prick.