tl;dr: answer “where does mobile zombies suck”
This post serves to gather opinions on the general user experience of mobile zombies. Currently a few suggestions have been considered but I wanted to get all of them.
- Can’t see scoreboard
Can’t see score.Fixed next update 2.0.0 -
Can’t see ability readiness.Fixed next update 2.0.0 - Can’t see sentry. Planned for 2.1.0
Can’t see if hp maxed.Fixed next update 2.0.0
uses WASD. No update target but considered, current plan is to use Arrows↑←↓→
Sentries are invisible on mobile
I’ve set myself to fix these issues over 2.0.0 and completely fix most of them by 2.1.0. Though granted some issues are more complicated than others() and will take a while to fix, if possible at all.