I have noticed that occasionally players will be afk in a Zombies lobby that I am in. What do you do about this? It doesn’t feel fitting to try to address this in either the forum’s or discord’s report a player section because they have not broken any rule, it is mostly just an inconvenience. It isn’t fair to other players either though, because on some maps the mobs cannot reach the afk player, resulting in everyone having to leave the lobby and a lobby slot remaining occupied that otherwise wouldn’t be. This becomes a little bigger of an issue when the lobby count is at max (10), since twelve players could technically be playing in this players spot. It isn’t too big of an issue immediately since we rarely if ever fill all ten lobbies with twelve people each, but I’d imagine during periods of time when people are on break (spring break, summer, etc.) that this could become a problem. Just kind of wanted to hear ideas on how to address this is all, since I ran into an afk player today playing Distant Windmill (I believe the map was called).
There you go.
How did I miss that lmao thanks
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