“weiner” stealer in chat

[1] Members name.
Dick stealer (sorry for foul language)

[2] Report: what rule(s) they broke (quote them).
D#ck stealer had a no-no word name. which is against the server rules, quoted below.

[3] Did this affect anyone (e.g. they were using their hacks in PvP)?
i seriously don’t know, all i know is that it’s against da rules.

[4] Evidence. (If this includes chat, Phase link one or more messages)

[5] Dimension: (if this is a server report).
Global chat

[6] Roughly, the time (in UTC) the offence was made. (if this is a
server report)

2:18 PM est. or whenever the name was created

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i don’t know if the “weiner” word counts as profanity, i’m just assuming it is.

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