I broke these rules:
These rules aim to be complete coverage of actions or issues that are not permitted here. It is lengthy to provide accurate descriptions of what the rule is and how it can be broken. However, when a player’s behaviour is subversive, malicious or otherwise widely unwanted, then the rules may not be used to counter such behaviour. A ban made of this type will only be created if it has either: been made clear to the player that such behaviour is causing trouble and necessary warnings have been conveyed, or when such behaviour involves rare cases such as bots or software exploits. When such an issue is not unique and is found to be repeated enough times, it will be listed as a rule.
#4 Community
Any actions, which may or may not include those covered by the rules in the other sections, which go against other users specifically to ruin their experience in the community, may be banned without warning. This rule will only be applied when it is clear that a user is trying to ruin another member’s experience by repeated insults, teasing or other means.
I was being rude or malicious towards others, using profanities towards others, i was using sexual innuendos to address certain characters and to ask for a sword, and i was also using profanities to adress problems that were seen.