Tusa's ban appeal 2

when I tried to evade the ban I didn’t know what my reason for banning was then I found out that when you enter the server a link appears but I discovered that after trying to enter my other phone


And this was the link he gave me Ban


When I opened it I thought that was my original ban and when trying to avoid the ban it was updated or something similar


Then they told me that I evaded the ban with more than 66 accounts or ip and I was shocked


Oh damn… I’ve found out you have about 5 different bans. I’ll try looking into all of them.


oh my god mama i’m a criminal


It is assumed that one of those causes was my main ban that I still do not know what it is and another would be my evasion that I am responsible for that but the other 3 how is it possible if all this time I have not played in it server and it is the first time that they ban me


You got banned 5 different times, as recently as a few months ago, for reasons including: Godmode in PvE, usage of racial slurs in chat, and multiple cases where you use impossible items/buffs in PvP. Unfortunately, due to your most recent ban being too recent, and also the amount of bans you have, I will have to deny this appeal. I’m unsure that you can be trusted not to break the rules again.

Here is a list of all your bans:

  1. Ban (Godmode in PvE, most recent one)
  2. Ban (Usage of racial slurs)
  3. Ban (Impossible buffs in PvP)
  4. Ban (Impossible items in PvP)
  5. Ban (this one shouldn’t count as a separate ban, ban evasion is not a valid ban reason, but people may get banned multiple times to enforce a single ban. I may update this one accordingly.)

Edit: I have just found out you have a 6th ban (Ban) with a whopping 32 IPs under it! Yep, don’t expect to be unbanned anytime soon.

Edit #2: I’ve just realized you have a whole buttload of bans under the username “ReZo”… I’m speechless.